February 10, 2011

Written Document draft 4

MYP Personal Project

Healthy Way of Life (Book)
Stay healthy by eating, sleeping and exercising
Name : Jessica Margaretha
Class : 10.3b
Supervisor :
Ibu Lisajanti Wijaya
Ibu Herrijanti Sujono
Word count : 4375
Submission date : 10 February 2011

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction 2-3
1.01 Goal 2
1.02 AOI 2
1.03 Plan 2
1.04 Standard of Success 3
2.0 Analysis of Information 4-6
2.01 What is a healthy lifestyle? 4
2.02 About the format and content 5
2.03 Good book characteristics 5
2.04 Relation to the HSE 6
3.0 Analysis of Process and Outcomes 7-8
3.01 Investigation 7
3.02 Building the content 7
3.03 Creating the book 7
3.04 Testing method and outcomes 8
4.0 Conclusion 9
4.01 AOI 9
4.02 Improvement 9
4.03 Inspiration 9
5.0 Bibliography 10-15
6.0 APPENDIX A: Written Documents 16
6.01 Reason why the goal is a SMART goal 16
6.02 Strength and weakness of each stage process 16
7.0 APPENDIX B: Collection of Information 17-24
7.01 Pre-survey result 17
7.02 Comparison of the book samples 18
7.03 Research notes 19
8.0 APPENDIX C: Creating the Book 25-30
8.01 Choosing the software 25
8.02 Choosing the topics 25
8.03 Choosing the type of resources 26
8.04 Detailed process of creating the book 26
9.0 APPENDIX D: Testing Method 31-36
9.01 Method of survey 31
9.02 Survey result 31
9.03 Pictures of survey 33

1.0 Introduction

When I see teens around me, not all of them live a healthy life. Some of them eat unhealthy food and drinks, not doing exercise and many unhealthy things. I know that facing teen’s life is not easy. We need to manage our time wisely doing our activities and keep track on our health condition. With having un-managed time, it would affect teen’s lifestyle ending with an unhealthy life. I realize that this is important to share to people especially teens.
1.01 Goal
The lifestyles that I see inspires me to make a book that could aware teens. The goal of my personal project is to create a book that gives awareness to teens (13 - 17 years old) to live a healthy lifestyle by doing things including eating healthy food and drinks, do sports, and more. One of the challenges is to make the book interesting and persuasive for teens because people have different wants. The result would be in a form of a book that consists of three main sections: food and drinks, sports, fun activities. In order to have proper content, I need to check it out by doing a survey in the end. Another way is to ask an expert on health. By this way, my goal is a SMART goal (See Appendix A).
1.02 AOI
For this project, I am applying the Areas of Interaction (AOI), which is Health and Social Education (HSE) because I could use the knowledge that I have through the research and show it in the book. By using the Health and Social Education Areas of Interaction, I would achieve my goal by showing the knowledge that I have about healthy lifestyle for teens, and give them information and tips that could be useful for their life. The guiding questions that I will use for this project are “How do I think and act?”, “How am I changing?” and “How can I look after myself and others?” From these guidelines, I need to be aware that there are some key questions needed through the project.
1.03 Plan
This is the activity schedule that I have planned to achieve my goal.

1.04 Standard of Success
I could know that my goal is successful once: 1.) at least 60% of the target audience become more aware after looking through the book which is proven that they get something new after reading the book. By this way, others will get the knowledge that they might not know yet and I personally would experience something new by creating a book. or 2.) Ask an expert (ex. Doctor special for heath) to check the content of my book, when 60% of the content is good, it means that I have achieved my goal. By this way, I would help experts in reminding themselves the importance of having a healthy life and I personally could learn from the feedbacks that the experts give.

2.0 Analysis of Information

The focus of my research links to the Areas of Interaction, Health and Social Education. The resources that I use for my research includes newspaper, survey, video, interview, books, magazine and websites. It is hard to find book about healthy life specifically on teens in bookstores. This interests me to do some research on healthy life focusing on teens and present it in a form of a book. The reason why I choose book as the format of my personal project is that it is easy to be distributed, not only a group of people who can see it; and many people will be able to read the book.
2.01 What is a healthy lifestyle?
Moving on to the research, I found out that our body needs a daily supply of protein, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats to get the energy it need, and have enough sleep (Margolin, Lisa). I understand that to live a healthy life, we need three major things, which are healthy eating, doing exercises, and have enough sleep. During teenage stage, teens gain about 20% of adult height and 50% of adult weight (Paul, Maya W). I found this fact interesting and I learn that what we do in our teenage time, determines a part of our future. For me, this fact is something useful to be included in the content of my book.
Getting deeper in the research, I also try to find what a healthy eating is. It is a way of balancing the food that we eat in order to keep our body strong, energized and well feed. The benefits we get includes enough energy, stay strong and more. Healthy eating includes, taking regular meals, balance nutrient, not skipping meals, and avoid sugar (Healthy Eating). A magazine article from sastika fit publication state that breakfast is the most important meal. It gives more concentration, manage body weight, and maintain cholesterols (Sarapan = Memulai Hari Dengan Baik). From these information, I learn the importance of meals which can be set as a topic of my book.
There are specific amount of calories, proteins, calcium and irons that teens’ body needs (Paul, Maya W). Teens should choose food that has high energy and nutrients (BBC - Health: Healthy Eating for Teenagers). You can control your portion of eating by using “divided plate” (Gavin, Mary L). Choosing healthy choices is to pick wisely the things you eat. If you are bored with the menu, change the menu but still consume what your body need (Teen Health - Health Topics - Healthy Eating). From these information, I learn that portion of meals is important for us to consider.
I did not recognize that there are two types of hunger: emotional and physical hunger. Actually, each of them has its own meaning (Stehl, Meredith Lutz). Teens are at a high risk of developing anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating disorders. (Paul, Maya W). Many teens are dissatisfied with their weight so they skip meals (BBC - Health: Healthy Eating for Teenagers). Teens should not take diets. When they stop eating, they stop giving their body the things it needs. Diets in the age of 12 – 17 lead to weak bones, and anemia. A way to avoid dieting is to maintain what we eat (Healthy Eating for Teenagers). From these information, I learn different food problem and how to solve them.
Getting the right amount of exercise can improve our mood and increase energy levels. Experts recommend that teens should get 60 minutes or more of moderate physical activity each day (Gavin, Mary L). Exercise gives the benefits to every part of the body including the mind. It helps some people to sleep, look and lose weight better. The maximum amount of exercise in a week is five days with at least two to three months break per year (Gavin, Mary L). From these information, I learn about exercise which will be a topic that I have inside the book.
Teen athletes have unique nutrition needs. They need around 2,000-5,000 calories to have enough energy for their sports performance and growth each day (Gavin, Mary L). Not fulfilling the amount of calories needed would end with less quality of performance and risk in breaking the building of muscles.

When doing an exercise, enough drink is important. You should drink mineral water and sport drinks (Simanjuntak). In one of the newspaper article, it shows that when your body is lack out of liquid, dehydration happens (Saji, September 2010, Pg. 10). Try to drink before and after exercise and every 15 to 20 minutes during exercise. When having a sport game, be wise in choosing the food you eat (Food Standards Agency - Eat Well, Be Well - Sport and Exercise). You should eat 2 – 4 hours before game because it takes the same time for the body to process the food (Simanjuntak). Smart snacking like fruit can help to keep you going until your next full meal (Gavin, Mary L). Stomach cramps might happen when you eating too soon (Gavin, Mary L). From these information, I learn about the drinks that people who do sports need to have, this is an important issue and could be set as a reminder for teens as they read the book.
Pick the right sport for you. According to an interview with one of the coaches from our school, Coach Alex Simanjuntak, he suggests us to refer back to the talent we have in order to choose the right sport for us and find something that makes our body move. When exercising, try to find an activity that gets your heart beating faster, quickens your breathing, and makes you sweaty (Gavin, Mary L).
Besides food and exercise, sleeping also affect teens health. Based on a video made by National Sleep Foundation Teen Study shows that teens need eight to night hours of sleep (Dr. Breus on Teens and Sleep Deprivation).
Not only finding out what healthy life is, I also try to find the consequence of not having a healthy life which include having not a maximum energy quality for the day, not grow in height, not having a proper meal (Center for Young Women’s Health), being not strong enough when doing activities, not having enough sipport of body growth and development, and chances of disease when people get to 40 years old (CYH Home – Home). These consequences proven that without staying healthy, our life would not be in a maximum quality.
From the information above, I finally understand deeply that a healthy life is a combination of eating healthy food and doing sport/exercise. Now I realize that not all teens know the real meaning of healthy life. Therefore, I need this information in by book to create the sense of awareness for the readers. Other than that, these collection of information will be the source of the topics that I will choose for my book because as I go through researching on these main topics, what I found is similar and I make the topics I found often as the main topics of my book.
2.02 About the format and content
To start with, I did a pre-survey to 25 of my target audience (teenagers aged 13-17) asking them questions about their expectation towards the final product. The reason is to make sure they would read the book, not only flipping the pages. From the result, for the design they want it to be colorful, use pictures and have modern style design. Based on dictionary.com, modern is characteristic of contemporary styles; and design is to organize or structure formal elements in a work of art, composition. By these two meanings, I could conclude that modern design is something that is organized in a form with up to date styles. This helps me to achieve my goal in the way I design and display the content of my book. These could be the limitation of my book. I also ask several questions about their lifestyle. The purpose is to see their understanding on healthy life and gives an idea of what the content will be (See Appendix B). Looking back to the aim of my Areas of Interaction, Health and Social Education, “How am I changing?” it relates to my goal on making awareness to the target audience because now I am changing in the way I care about others.
2.03 Good book characteristics
I also did some research to find out the characteristic of a good book. A good book is something that will stand out in the memory of the readers (Locke, Jennifer). It provides knowledge that the readers seek, easily understand and give reading experience (Hamilton, Gordon). A good book should have proper introduction that takes the reader’s attention so they have the feeling of excitement to read more (Morgan, Brittany L.).

Here are two examples of what a guidebook looks like. (See Appendix B)

Through this knowledge, I understand that a book is something memorable, gives knowledge, has creative design, use many colors and have good introduction. By having these characteristics, it would end with a good book.
2.04 Relation to the HSE
Through the research that I have done, I have certainly included all the keys of HSE. For the question, “How do I think and act?” we do have the knowledge but it is just the matter of applying it in our lives. This question could be link to my goal, which is to give awareness for teens to live a healthy life. The second question “How am I changing?” links to the research in the way our actions change. After knowing the consequences, personally it inspires me to change the way of life that I am having right now especially with the way choosing the food I eat. This also links with the question “How can I look after myself and others?” because I also need to see what impact given from the book that I have made. The fact that during teenage stage, teens gain about 20% of adult height and 50% of adult weight (Paul, Maya W) means that what we did today as teens will determines our live in the future. This fact personally motivates me to have better life. I hope that it motivates the readers too.  

3.0 Analysis of Process and Outcomes

3.01 Investigation
To start with, I create a survey to teenagers aged 13 – 17 years old, in order to find out what to put in my book later on. I think this is an effective research method because it makes me easier to decide what my goal is. After analyzing the data I have collected, I found out that most of them have the knowledge to live a healthy life; it is just the matter of applying it (See Appendix B). From knowing this, I decided to continue on the progress of investigating through research so that I could remind the target audience the importance of having a healthy life.
Other than that, I also did some investigation about the format that I choose. When I decide to create a book, I am not sure how to make it interesting. With the survey asking about the content, I also attach several questions asking about the format (See Appendix B). After analyzing the data, I found out that most of them want it to be colorful, use pictures and have modern style design. It is not enough for me only fulfilling what the target audience wants but I also need to do further research about how to make a good book so that the information that I found is not bias. Furthermore, I also need to see guidebook samples and make judgment on software’s that would be best in creating the book (See Appendix B). What I choose in the end is to make a book using photoscape as the software to edit everything (See Appendix C).
3.02 Building the content
In the process of filling in the content of the book, I started by gathering all the information about healthy life from newspaper, video, interview, book, magazine, and website. After finish researching, I realize that I use website most because it is more useful, it is an open source, and provides wider range of information. A difficulty occurs when I found out that I have lots of interesting information. I overcome this problem by go with the flow and see how many pages I could make out of it. Other than deciding the amount of pages, I found difficulty with deciding which topic goes first. Since the beginning, I decided to split out the book into three parts: food and drinks, sports, and fun activities. I put the food and drink topic in the front because it is something that all people need. On the other side, I put sports as the next topic because it is like a sub topic that helps in building a better healthier life. Some of the information in the food and drink part could also be useful for other range of group, not only teens. I also plan on making the fun activities section in order to make the book more attractive and have an activity that the readers could do, instead of only reading it. Throughout the process, it does not happen as so. I have no time to work for the fun activities part so that the book only have the content of food and drinks, and sports. Just looking at the big picture does not help me at all. Therefore, I decide to find interesting and useful topics through my research. A difficulty occurs when I try to find guidebook samples only focus for teenage life. By that way, I decided to buy books not only focusing on teens but also family. Other than books about healthy life, I also bought one about beauty. I know it does not have any connection with my topic but I just want to see the display of the content. For some of the content, I use the one form a book entitled Mayo Clinic Family Health Book (See Appendix C).
For the first part of the book, the information is gathered from newspaper called “Saji”, survey through facebook, book called “Menu Sehat Sesuai Golongan Darah”, magazine called “Sastika fit”, and several websites. For the second part, the information is gathered from interview with a coach and several websites. Specifically for the topic about sleeping, I use a video called “Dr. Breus on Teens and Sleep Deprivation” from You Tube and several websites as a source for me (See Appendix C).
After all, the information that I have collected is organized in a form of research note (See Appendix B). I make summary of them all and select different information is suitable to be included in the book.
3.03 Creating the book
The steps I manage in this part are; deciding the words and information, finding pictures as the background for the pages, editing into a format of a picture with photoscape, and printing it. I believe it is important to start by deciding the kind of information and words that I want to include in the book so that I could arrange and divide them in an organize way. I decide to find the pictures second because before I edit and combine the words and pictures into a book, I need to have pictures first.
The topics that I choose for the food and drinks part include; “Food balance”, “Healthy eating”, “Junk food”, “Types of hunger”, “Developing healthy eating habits”, “Nutrition for teens”, “Vitamins and minerals”, “What to eat?”, “Snacking”, “List of menus”, “Simple ways to prepare food and drinks”, and “Diet”. The topics that I choose for the sports part includes; “Sports”, “Nutrition for athletes”, “Diet for athletes”, “Drinking for athletes”, “Supplement for athletes”, “Game day”, “Types of exercises”, and “Picking the right sport” (See Appendix C). For the sports part, I use the word “Athletes” to differentiate the category of people. Based on dictionary.com, athlete is “a person trained or gifted in exercises or contests involving physical agility, stamina, or strength; a participant in sport, exercise, or game requiring physical skills”. From this definition, I decide to use the word athlete in order to differentiate the two different people because not all people involve in physical activity and the things needed for people who involve in physical activity is different that people who is not involve in physical activity.
Other than those two sub topics, I also include “sleeping” as the bridge of the two topics. I decided to put this topic because with only having healthy food, drinks, and sport is not enough if we do not support it with having enough sleep.
What I did next is having pictures and templates because I believe that having these things, it will help me when I am designing each page so that it is interesting to read.
3.04 Testing method and outcomes
Once I finish printing out the book, I distribute a questionnaire to people who viewed it. I showed the book to teens aged 13 – 17 years not only in my school, but also people who I know which fits in to the year category. I choose five people from each category of age so that I can have an objective result in the end. As soon as I gain the result, I make it into a form of data for further analysis. So now, the whole stages are accomplished and I can then evaluate my performance in each stage of process (See Appendix A).
The questionnaire that I distribute could measure how successful I am in the HSE AOI, and my goal itself. The way I do the survey is by showing the book to the teen aged 13 – 17 years and after they finish looking through the book, they fill in the questionnaire that I distribute. I found out that this method is very efficient to achieve (See Appendix D). Since there are more questions that I need them to answer, I send them emails in order to get quick response from them but if within two days they don’t answer the email, I go to them and ask them to fill in the survey.
I believe that I have achieved my goal because looking through the additional survey, I could see that more than 60% of my target audience see what they expected in the beginning. From one of the question; “What information that you know now, that you don’t know before?” 100% of them write what they learn (See Appendix D). By this way, my product does made an impact to my target audience and I could tell that they are more aware that they should live a healthy lifestyle by doing things such as eating healthy food, do sports, and more.
Other than that, I also succeeded with making the book following what is expected from the target audience. Out of 25 people that I surveyed, 100% say that the book is modern, 96% say the book is colorful and 96% say that the book have enough pictures for every sections. I could conclude that more than 60% proven that I have fulfill what they expect and by this way, I can say that I have accomplish my goal.
I also realize that there is some points that I need to improve on. From the survey given, there are some feedbacks given after my target audience look through the book. I believe that I need to be more aware of choosing the font, templates, and colors because there are some comments that is given from my target audience. For the rest of the criteria, I think I have applied them well enough therefore no comments were written about it (See Appendix D). 

4.0 Conclusion

I have achieve my goal for this project. My goal was to create awareness for teens to live a healthy life in a form of a book. The question ‘What information that you know now, that you don’t know before?’ is a way for me to measure the success of my goal because making someone to change takes time. From this data, I could tell that in the fact that 100% of them learn something new (See Appendix D).
4.01 AOI
The chance given to me to complete personal project had made me feel more thankful and glad with the life that I’m having right now. The question “How do I think and act?” is now answered in the fact that I realized to be thankful in any circumstance that I am in. I learn to have the sense of care for others and want them to stay healthy because I understand that once we are not healthy, it is not easy for us to get back to a perfect health condition. I can also answer the question “How am I changing?” because I have create something to show how I care for others to stay healthy in a form of a book that shows information about healthy life specifically on food, drinks, sports, and sleeping. Presenting the book to my target audience is a further action that I have because by reading the book and answering the questionnaires, shows that I’m making the book with a purpose. The knowledge that I got help in to answer the question “How can I look after myself and others?”. Majority of my target audience proven me that I have successfully deliver the message and show how I can look after others. As I become more aware, I can protect myself better to do three important things; eat, sleep, and exercise because not all teens complete these three category.
4.02 Improvement
I felt quite satisfied after looking at the opinions from my target audience. I realize that I should make some adjustments with the template, font usage and the colors that I choose for the book so that it is easier for them to read the content. In the future, I would have to get wider range of people to see my book so that I would know how teens in general feel, not only in a community that I am in. I would like to consider people who will read the book. If I use English language, I would have to use simple vocabulary words or not I would have to use translation version of the book. I believe that my book will influence a lot of people if I distributed them or even publish it.
4.03 Inspiration
From doing this personal project, I found out that it is a challenge to create a book, specifically on designing and deciding what to put inside it. I determine that the use of design in each page affect on how the information is deliver to the readers. I am also inspired on making a new edition of the book that focus more on spiritual life. Just the same as making teens aware to have a healthy life (in a physical way), I would like to give awareness to teens to have a healthy spiritual life. Now also I have a tendency towards authors because now I understood that creating a book is not simple and takes a lot of time.  

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"Sarapan = Memulai Hari Dengan Baik." Sastika Fit May 2000: 81. Print.
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"The 'Way 'Ahead' Life Coaching Program for Teenagers." Crossroads Life Coaching - for Healthy Relationships, Work Interview Confidence & More. Web. 25 Oct. 2010. .
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"YouTube - Dr. Breus on Teens and Sleep Deprivation." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. 25 Mar. 2007. Web. 22 Aug. 2010. .

6.0 APPENDIX A: Written Documents

6.01 Reason why the goal is a SMART goal
The reason why my goal is a SMART are: it is specific, because I have clearly shown the problem that I am going to explore which is how to live a healthy life for teens. It is measureable, because I can make a survey to test whether the target audience is aware and understand the content after they read the book. It is achievable and realistic because I believe I could use my researching and presenting skills that I have through the book. Last, it is well timed because I have make a plan that shows what and when will I do each step until I finish the book within the given range of time without passing the due date. I hope by making this project, I could make an impact on teen’s lifestyle.
6.02 Strength and weakness of each stage process
I did really well on researching information about healthy way of life mostly on eating, drinking, and sport because in the end, I have a good quality of content for my product. I have successfully collect information from seven different types of resources (Newspaper, Survey, Video, Interview, Book, Magazine, and Websites). I think I need to improve myself by doing more interviews with experts to increase the quality of the content. I also need to improve the pre-survey part by having teenage not only from my school who fills it in. If I have the chance to do this again, I will have to be willing to spend my time for interviewing experts and be more active in finding more teens in different area so that the information would be also useful for them.
Building the content
I did really well on selecting different information to be the content of my book. I think my weakness is that in dividing the book into equal section for the eating and drinking part with the sport part. Next time, I will have to add more information on the sleeping part since the main three things I put as a slogan for my book is “eat-sleep-exercise”. Therefore, I need to have balance amount of information for these three sections.
Creating the book
In this part, I did well on using the software called Photoscape. My strength was being able to use Photoscape to create every page of the book on my own exploration. I also did well on arranging the content so it has good flow with it. What I need to improve is on selecting good pictures as the template so that it helps more in delivering the message. Next time, I need to try to use the pictures that I took myself for the templates, design or pictures that I use so that the book has higher originality.
Testing Method
I did really well on surveying the product to my target audience. Not only people in my school but I manage to bring my product and survey it on the church that I went to. I asked them questions that is related to my book, the content, and design. Not only asking question, I also analyzed them carefully too. I need to improve on having more amount of people answering the survey. Next time, I need to have more people on each group category to answer the survey so that it is more objective.
My product turns out very satisfying for me. The strength of the product is that it affect my target audience for their awareness. The weakness of the product is just the matter of design. What I need to improve on is making the design more interesting and consider on the font type that I use. Next time, I need to be wiser in choosing the font type, colors, and size that I use.  

7.0 APPENDIX B: Collection of Information

7.01 Pre-survey result
Result regarding to the format/design

Result regarding to the content/healthy lifestyle

From the result, I see they have the knowledge to live a healthy life; it is just the matter of applying it. It would be useless if they have the knowledge but not applying it to their lives.

7.02 Comparison of the book samples

7.03 Research notes

8.0 APPENDIX C: Creating the Book

8.01 Choosing the software
I finally choose photoscape as the software to create the book. After experiencing using three different software (Photoscape, Photoshop, and Microsoft Word) I decide to use Photosacpe because it is simpler and does not take much time to learn it. Though Photoscape is mostly used to edit pictures, I tried to create the book in ‘.jpg’ form to make it easier for the printing part.
8.02 Choosing the topics
Inside the book Mayo Clinic Family Health Book, the main topic they have for teens section are: growth and development; personality and behavior; conditions and general anxiety; teen sexuality; and specific anxiety. I decide to break up the condition and general anxiety section and take the sub topic which are: nutrition fact and exercise one of the topics that I use for my book. Besides that, I also use the result of my research to decide the topics that I have.

8.03 Choosing the type of resources
The resources that I use includes newspaper, survey (facebook), video, interview, books, magazine and websites. The reason behind using facebook as a source to distribute the survey is because more people can answer them. I use newspaper because it is something that people see and for sure, the information is very useful. I use book and magazine because it is officially published and edited which shows that the book could affect others after reading. Using websites is very useful because it has wider range of information. I choose a coach as my resource because coaches know and experience more about sports, they do sport for themselves and they know what is good and bad for them.
8.04 Detailed process of creating the book
I started the process by collecting and selecting the information that seems to be important for the book content. Then, after selecting them, I try to divide them into parts and make a rough of which content goes to which page. I organize the book order myself starting from something general to specific. I decided to put the ‘food and drink’ topic at first because I found that topic more interesting than the other two topics. Due to lack of information about sleeping, I decide to put the ‘sleeping’ topic in the middle of the two other topics so that it’s like a transition between them. Last but not least, I put the ‘sport’ topic in the last part of the book because not everyone like sport though it is important and I want to save the most important in the back so the readers would remember it most.

After I am done with dividing them into parts, I start on searching for pictures and templates that is related to the topic. By doing this, it helps me to get inspiration on how the layout will be and make me easier when editing it using the photoscape software.

When finish with collecting pictures, I move on to editing it with photscape. There, I copy-paste the things that I want to put and designed it so that the readers would not get board. Before printing it, I show a soft-copy of the book. Some things that I get from my supervisor was to have page number in each page, a table of content, introduction page and conclusion page. After finish adding all the information that I want to add to the book, I try to print a copy to see how it looks.

When I finish the rough draft of the book, I show it to my supervisor to ask for inputs. Some of the comments that I need to consider includes the usage of fonts and colors; and to have something the same in each page so that there is a flow between them. I decide to take a look back to my work and decide to have something on top of each page to make all pages the same. For the use of fonts and colors, it is just a matter of the printer quality. There, I learn that the printer quality needs to be good and the paper should be thicker. In the end, I decide not to print it myself instead bringing it to a printing center and bind it there so the quality would be good.

9.0 APPENDIX D: Testing Method

9.01 Method of survey
The way I do the survey is by showing the book and distributing the surveys to my target audience according to their group age; 13 – 17 years. This method is more efficient and objective because they represent their group age. Since there are lots of people who is within that range of age, I decided to choose five people from each age group. In total, I have surveyed 25 students aged 13 to 17. Like what I’ve planned in the beginning, this survey will point out whether or not 60% of my target audience feels more aware after reading the book.
9.02 Survey result
Here is the result of the first survey

Here is the result of the additional survey

From the survey result, I could see that they learn something useful from the question “What information that you know now, that you don’t know before?” because everyone fills in the new thing that they learn from the book. Not only that, my target audience give me some of the following things to improve my product; which are:
1. Tell more about junk food
2. Make the book more interesting and attractive
3. Chose an easier-to-read font
4. Add more pictures
5. To make it more persuasive, you can put more of the side effects of not getting enough sleep/good food/exercise
6. A better printing
7. Add more explanation about sports
9.03 Pictures of survey
First survey

The additional survey

Written Report draft 3

*this post should be posted two days ago before I submit the fourth one today.

MYP Personal Project

Healthy Way of Life (Book)
Stay healthy by eating, sleeping and exercising
Name : Jessica Margaretha
Class : 10.3b
Supervisor :
Ibu Lisajanti Wijaya
Ibu Herrijanti Sujono
Word count : 4375
Submission date : 10 February 2011

Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction 2-3
1.01 Goal 2
1.02 AOI 2
1.03 Plan 2
1.04 Standard of Success 3
2.0 Analysis of Information 4-6
2.01 What is a healthy lifestyle? 4
2.02 About the format and content 5
2.03 Good book characteristics 5
2.04 Relation to the HSE 6
3.0 Analysis of Process and Outcomes 7-8
3.01 Investigation 7
3.02 Building the content 7
3.03 Creating the book 7
3.04 Testing method and outcomes 8
4.0 Conclusion 9
4.01 AOI 9
4.02 Improvement 9
4.03 Inspiration 9
5.0 Bibliography 10-15
6.0 APPENDIX A: Written Documents 16
6.01 Reason why the goal is a SMART goal 16
6.02 Strength and weakness of each stage process 16
7.0 APPENDIX B: Collection of Information 17-24
7.01 Pre-survey result 17
7.02 Comparison of the book samples 18
7.03 Research notes 19
8.0 APPENDIX C: Creating the Book 25-30
8.01 Choosing the software 25
8.02 Choosing the topics 25
8.03 Choosing the type of resources 26
8.04 Detailed process of creating the book 26
9.0 APPENDIX D: Testing Method 31-36
9.01 Method of survey 31
9.02 Survey result 31
9.03 Pictures of survey 33


When I see teens around me, not all of them live a healthy life. Some of them eat unhealthy food and drinks, not doing exercise and many unhealthy things. I know that facing teen’s life is not easy. We need to manage our time wisely doing our activities and keep track on our health condition. With having un-managed time, it would affect teen’s lifestyle ending with an unhealthy life. I realize that this is important to share to people especially teens.
The lifestyles that I see inspires me to make a book that could aware teens. The goal of my personal project is to create a book that gives awareness to teens (13 - 17 years old) to live a healthy lifestyle by doing things including eating healthy food and drinks, do sports, and more. One of the challenges is to make the book interesting and persuasive for teens because people have different wants. The result would be in a form of a book that consists of three main sections: food and drinks, sports, fun activities. In order to have proper content, I need to check it out by doing a survey in the end. Another way is to ask an expert on health. By this way, my goal is a SMART goal (See Appendix A).
For this project, I am applying the Areas of Interaction (AOI), which is Health and Social Education (HSE) because I could use the knowledge that I have through the research and show it in the book. By using the Health and Social Education Areas of Interaction, I would achieve my goal by showing the knowledge that I have about healthy lifestyle for teens, and give them information and tips that could be useful for their life. The guiding questions that I will use for this project are “How do I think and act?”, “How am I changing?” and “How can I look after myself and others?” From these guidelines, I need to be aware that there are some key questions needed through the project.
This is the activity schedule that I have planned to achieve my goal.

Standard of Success
I could know that my goal is successful once: 1.) at least 60% of the target audience become more aware after looking through the book which is proven that they get something new after reading the book. By this way, others will get the knowledge that they might not know yet and I personally would experience something new by creating a book. or 2.) Ask an expert (ex. Doctor special for heath) to check the content of my book, when 60% of the content is good, it means that I have achieved my goal. By this way, I would help experts in reminding themselves the importance of having a healthy life and I personally could learn from the feedbacks that the experts give.

Analysis of Information

The focus of my research links to the Areas of Interaction, Health and Social Education. The resources that I use for my research includes newspaper, survey, video, interview, books, magazine and websites. It is hard to find book about healthy life specifically on teens in bookstores. This interests me to do some research on healthy life focusing on teens and present it in a form of a book. The reason why I choose book as the format of my personal project is that it is easy to be distributed, not only a group of people who can see it; and many people will be able to read the book.
What is a healthy lifestyle?
Moving on to the research, I found out that our body needs a daily supply of protein, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats to get the energy it need, and have enough sleep (Margolin, Lisa). I understand that to live a healthy life, we need three major things, which are healthy eating, doing exercises, and have enough sleep. During teenage stage, teens gain about 20% of adult height and 50% of adult weight (Paul, Maya W). I found this fact interesting and I learn that what we do in our teenage time, determines a part of our future. For me, this fact is something useful to be included in the content of my book.
Getting deeper in the research, I also try to find what a healthy eating is. It is a way of balancing the food that we eat in order to keep our body strong, energized and well feed. The benefits we get includes enough energy, stay strong and more. Healthy eating includes, taking regular meals, balance nutrient, not skipping meals, and avoid sugar (Healthy Eating). A magazine article from sastika fit publication state that breakfast is the most important meal. It gives more concentration, manage body weight, and maintain cholesterols (Sarapan = Memulai Hari Dengan Baik). From these information, I learn the importance of meals which can be set as a topic of my book.
There are specific amount of calories, proteins, calcium and irons that teens’ body needs (Paul, Maya W). Teens should choose food that has high energy and nutrients (BBC - Health: Healthy Eating for Teenagers). You can control your portion of eating by using “divided plate” (Gavin, Mary L). Choosing healthy choices is to pick wisely the things you eat. If you are bored with the menu, change the menu but still consume what your body need (Teen Health - Health Topics - Healthy Eating). From these information, I learn that portion of meals is important for us to consider.
I did not recognize that there are two types of hunger: emotional and physical hunger. Actually, each of them has its own meaning (Stehl, Meredith Lutz). Teens are at a high risk of developing anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating disorders. (Paul, Maya W). Many teens are dissatisfied with their weight so they skip meals (BBC - Health: Healthy Eating for Teenagers). Teens should not take diets. When they stop eating, they stop giving their body the things it needs. Diets in the age of 12 – 17 lead to weak bones, and anemia. A way to avoid dieting is to maintain what we eat (Healthy Eating for Teenagers). From these information, I learn different food problem and how to solve them.
Getting the right amount of exercise can improve our mood and increase energy levels. Experts recommend that teens should get 60 minutes or more of moderate physical activity each day (Gavin, Mary L). Exercise gives the benefits to every part of the body including the mind. It helps some people to sleep, look and lose weight better. The maximum amount of exercise in a week is five days with at least two to three months break per year (Gavin, Mary L). From these information, I learn about exercise which will be a topic that I have inside the book.
Teen athletes have unique nutrition needs. They need around 2,000-5,000 calories to have enough energy for their sports performance and growth each day (Gavin, Mary L). Not fulfilling the amount of calories needed would end with less quality of performance and risk in breaking the building of muscles.

When doing an exercise, enough drink is important. You should drink mineral water and sport drinks (Simanjuntak). In one of the newspaper article, it shows that when your body is lack out of liquid, dehydration happens (Saji, September 2010, Pg. 10). Try to drink before and after exercise and every 15 to 20 minutes during exercise. When having a sport game, be wise in choosing the food you eat (Food Standards Agency - Eat Well, Be Well - Sport and Exercise). You should eat 2 – 4 hours before game because it takes the same time for the body to process the food (Simanjuntak). Smart snacking like fruit can help to keep you going until your next full meal (Gavin, Mary L). Stomach cramps might happen when you eating too soon (Gavin, Mary L). From these information, I learn about the drinks that people who do sports need to have, this is an important issue and could be set as a reminder for teens as they read the book.
Pick the right sport for you. According to an interview with one of the coaches from our school, Coach Alex Simanjuntak, he suggests us to refer back to the talent we have in order to choose the right sport for us and find something that makes our body move. When exercising, try to find an activity that gets your heart beating faster, quickens your breathing, and makes you sweaty (Gavin, Mary L).
Besides food and exercise, sleeping also affect teens health. Based on a video made by National Sleep Foundation Teen Study shows that teens need eight to night hours of sleep (Dr. Breus on Teens and Sleep Deprivation).
Not only finding out what healthy life is, I also try to find the consequence of not having a healthy life which include having not a maximum energy quality for the day, not grow in height, not having a proper meal (Center for Young Women’s Health), being not strong enough when doing activities, not having enough sipport of body growth and development, and chances of disease when people get to 40 years old (CYH Home – Home). These consequences proven that without staying healthy, our life would not be in a maximum quality.
From the information above, I finally understand deeply that a healthy life is a combination of eating healthy food and doing sport/exercise. Now I realize that not all teens know the real meaning of healthy life. Therefore, I need this information in by book to create the sense of awareness for the readers. Other than that, these collection of information will be the source of the topics that I will choose for my book because as I go through researching on these main topics, what I found is similar and I make the topics I found often as the main topics of my book.
About the format and content
To start with, I did a pre-survey to 25 of my target audience (teenagers aged 13-17) asking them questions about their expectation towards the final product. The reason is to make sure they would read the book, not only flipping the pages. From the result, for the design they want it to be colorful, use pictures and have modern style design. Based on dictionary.com, modern is characteristic of contemporary styles; and design is to organize or structure formal elements in a work of art, composition. By these two meanings, I could conclude that modern design is something that is organized in a form with up to date styles. This helps me to achieve my goal in the way I design and display the content of my book. These could be the limitation of my book. I also ask several questions about their lifestyle. The purpose is to see their understanding on healthy life and gives an idea of what the content will be (See Appendix B). Looking back to the aim of my Areas of Interaction, Health and Social Education, “How am I changing?” it relates to my goal on making awareness to the target audience because now I am changing in the way I care about others.
Good book characteristics
I also did some research to find out the characteristic of a good book. A good book is something that will stand out in the memory of the readers (Locke, Jennifer). It provides knowledge that the readers seek, easily understand and give reading experience (Hamilton, Gordon). A good book should have proper introduction that takes the reader’s attention so they have the feeling of excitement to read more (Morgan, Brittany L.).

Here are two examples of what a guidebook looks like. (See Appendix B)

Through this knowledge, I understand that a book is something memorable, gives knowledge, has creative design, use many colors and have good introduction. By having these characteristics, it would end with a good book.
Relation to the HSE
Through the research that I have done, I have certainly included all the keys of HSE. For the question, “How do I think and act?” we do have the knowledge but it is just the matter of applying it in our lives. This question could be link to my goal, which is to give awareness for teens to live a healthy life. The second question “How am I changing?” links to the research in the way our actions change. After knowing the consequences, personally it inspires me to change the way of life that I am having right now especially with the way choosing the food I eat. This also links with the question “How can I look after myself and others?” because I also need to see what impact given from the book that I have made. The fact that during teenage stage, teens gain about 20% of adult height and 50% of adult weight (Paul, Maya W) means that what we did today as teens will determines our live in the future. This fact personally motivates me to have better life. I hope that it motivates the readers too.  
Analysis of Process and Outcomes

To start with, I create a survey to teenagers aged 13 – 17 years old, in order to find out what to put in my book later on. I think this is an effective research method because it makes me easier to decide what my goal is. After analyzing the data I have collected, I found out that most of them have the knowledge to live a healthy life; it is just the matter of applying it (See Appendix B). From knowing this, I decided to continue on the progress of investigating through research so that I could remind the target audience the importance of having a healthy life.
Other than that, I also did some investigation about the format that I choose. When I decide to create a book, I am not sure how to make it interesting. With the survey asking about the content, I also attach several questions asking about the format (See Appendix B). After analyzing the data, I found out that most of them want it to be colorful, use pictures and have modern style design. It is not enough for me only fulfilling what the target audience wants but I also need to do further research about how to make a good book so that the information that I found is not bias. Furthermore, I also need to see guidebook samples and make judgment on software’s that would be best in creating the book (See Appendix B). What I choose in the end is to make a book using photoscape as the software to edit everything (See Appendix C).
Building the content
In the process of filling in the content of the book, I started by gathering all the information about healthy life from newspaper, video, interview, book, magazine, and website. After finish researching, I realize that I use website most because it is more useful, it is an open source, and provides wider range of information. A difficulty occurs when I found out that I have lots of interesting information. I overcome this problem by go with the flow and see how many pages I could make out of it. Other than deciding the amount of pages, I found difficulty with deciding which topic goes first. Since the beginning, I decided to split out the book into three parts: food and drinks, sports, and fun activities. I put the food and drink topic in the front because it is something that all people need. On the other side, I put sports as the next topic because it is like a sub topic that helps in building a better healthier life. Some of the information in the food and drink part could also be useful for other range of group, not only teens. I also plan on making the fun activities section in order to make the book more attractive and have an activity that the readers could do, instead of only reading it. Throughout the process, it does not happen as so. I have no time to work for the fun activities part so that the book only have the content of food and drinks, and sports. Just looking at the big picture does not help me at all. Therefore, I decide to find interesting and useful topics through my research. A difficulty occurs when I try to find guidebook samples only focus for teenage life. By that way, I decided to buy books not only focusing on teens but also family. Other than books about healthy life, I also bought one about beauty. I know it does not have any connection with my topic but I just want to see the display of the content. For some of the content, I use the one form a book entitled Mayo Clinic Family Health Book (See Appendix C).
For the first part of the book, the information is gathered from newspaper called “Saji”, survey through facebook, book called “Menu Sehat Sesuai Golongan Darah”, magazine called “Sastika fit”, and several websites. For the second part, the information is gathered from interview with a coach and several websites. Specifically for the topic about sleeping, I use a video called “Dr. Breus on Teens and Sleep Deprivation” from You Tube and several websites as a source for me (See Appendix C).
After all, the information that I have collected is organized in a form of research note (See Appendix B). I make summary of them all and select different information is suitable to be included in the book.
Creating the book
The steps I manage in this part are; deciding the words and information, finding pictures as the background for the pages, editing into a format of a picture with photoscape, and printing it. I believe it is important to start by deciding the kind of information and words that I want to include in the book so that I could arrange and divide them in an organize way. I decide to find the pictures second because before I edit and combine the words and pictures into a book, I need to have pictures first.
The topics that I choose for the food and drinks part include; “Food balance”, “Healthy eating”, “Junk food”, “Types of hunger”, “Developing healthy eating habits”, “Nutrition for teens”, “Vitamins and minerals”, “What to eat?”, “Snacking”, “List of menus”, “Simple ways to prepare food and drinks”, and “Diet”. The topics that I choose for the sports part includes; “Sports”, “Nutrition for athletes”, “Diet for athletes”, “Drinking for athletes”, “Supplement for athletes”, “Game day”, “Types of exercises”, and “Picking the right sport” (See Appendix C). For the sports part, I use the word “Athletes” to differentiate the category of people. Based on dictionary.com, athlete is “a person trained or gifted in exercises or contests involving physical agility, stamina, or strength; a participant in sport, exercise, or game requiring physical skills”. From this definition, I decide to use the word athlete in order to differentiate the two different people because not all people involve in physical activity and the things needed for people who involve in physical activity is different that people who is not involve in physical activity.
Other than those two sub topics, I also include “sleeping” as the bridge of the two topics. I decided to put this topic because with only having healthy food, drinks, and sport is not enough if we do not support it with having enough sleep.
What I did next is having pictures and templates because I believe that having these things, it will help me when I am designing each page so that it is interesting to read.
Testing method and outcomes
Once I finish printing out the book, I distribute a questionnaire to people who viewed it. I showed the book to teens aged 13 – 17 years not only in my school, but also people who I know which fits in to the year category. I choose five people from each category of age so that I can have an objective result in the end. As soon as I gain the result, I make it into a form of data for further analysis. So now, the whole stages are accomplished and I can then evaluate my performance in each stage of process (See Appendix A).
The questionnaire that I distribute could measure how successful I am in the HSE AOI, and my goal itself. The way I do the survey is by showing the book to the teen aged 13 – 17 years and after they finish looking through the book, they fill in the questionnaire that I distribute. I found out that this method is very efficient to achieve (See Appendix D). Since there are more questions that I need them to answer, I send them emails in order to get quick response from them but if within two days they don’t answer the email, I go to them and ask them to fill in the survey.
I believe that I have achieved my goal because looking through the additional survey, I could see that more than 60% of my target audience see what they expected in the beginning. From one of the question; “What information that you know now, that you don’t know before?” 100% of them write what they learn (See Appendix D). By this way, my product does made an impact to my target audience and I could tell that they are more aware that they should live a healthy lifestyle by doing things such as eating healthy food, do sports, and more.
Other than that, I also succeeded with making the book following what is expected from the target audience. Out of 25 people that I surveyed, 100% say that the book is modern, 96% say the book is colorful and 96% say that the book have enough pictures for every sections. I could conclude that more than 60% proven that I have fulfill what they expect and by this way, I can say that I have accomplish my goal.
I also realize that there is some points that I need to improve on. From the survey given, there are some feedbacks given after my target audience look through the book. I believe that I need to be more aware of choosing the font, templates, and colors because there are some comments that is given from my target audience. For the rest of the criteria, I think I have applied them well enough therefore no comments were written about it (See Appendix D). 

I have achieve my goal for this project. My goal was to create awareness for teens to live a healthy life in a form of a book. The question ‘What information that you know now, that you don’t know before?’ is a way for me to measure the success of my goal because making someone to change takes time. From this data, I could tell that in the fact that 100% of them learn something new (See Appendix D).
The chance given to me to complete personal project had made me feel more thankful and glad with the life that I’m having right now. The question “How do I think and act?” is now answered in the fact that I realized to be thankful in any circumstance that I am in. I learn to have the sense of care for others and want them to stay healthy because I understand that once we are not healthy, it is not easy for us to get back to a perfect health condition. I can also answer the question “How am I changing?” because I have create something to show how I care for others to stay healthy in a form of a book that shows information about healthy life specifically on food, drinks, sports, and sleeping. Presenting the book to my target audience is a further action that I have because by reading the book and answering the questionnaires, shows that I’m making the book with a purpose. The knowledge that I got help in to answer the question “How can I look after myself and others?”. Majority of my target audience proven me that I have successfully deliver the message and show how I can look after others. As I become more aware, I can protect myself better to do three important things; eat, sleep, and exercise because not all teens complete these three category.
I felt quite satisfied after looking at the opinions from my target audience. I realize that I should make some adjustments with the template, font usage and the colors that I choose for the book so that it is easier for them to read the content. In the future, I would have to get wider range of people to see my book so that I would know how teens in general feel, not only in a community that I am in. I would like to consider people who will read the book. If I use English language, I would have to use simple vocabulary words or not I would have to use translation version of the book. I believe that my book will influence a lot of people if I distributed them or even publish it.
From doing this personal project, I found out that it is a challenge to create a book, specifically on designing and deciding what to put inside it. I determine that the use of design in each page affect on how the information is deliver to the readers. I am also inspired on making a new edition of the book that focus more on spiritual life. Just the same as making teens aware to have a healthy life (in a physical way), I would like to give awareness to teens to have a healthy spiritual life. Now also I have a tendency towards authors because now I understood that creating a book is not simple and takes a lot of time.  

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APPENDIX A: Written Documents

Reason why the goal is a SMART goal
The reason why my goal is a SMART are: it is specific, because I have clearly shown the problem that I am going to explore which is how to live a healthy life for teens. It is measureable, because I can make a survey to test whether the target audience is aware and understand the content after they read the book. It is achievable and realistic because I believe I could use my researching and presenting skills that I have through the book. Last, it is well timed because I have make a plan that shows what and when will I do each step until I finish the book within the given range of time without passing the due date. I hope by making this project, I could make an impact on teen’s lifestyle.
Strength and weakness of each stage process
I did really well on researching information about healthy way of life mostly on eating, drinking, and sport because in the end, I have a good quality of content for my product. I have successfully collect information from seven different types of resources (Newspaper, Survey, Video, Interview, Book, Magazine, and Websites). I think I need to improve myself by doing more interviews with experts to increase the quality of the content. I also need to improve the pre-survey part by having teenage not only from my school who fills it in. If I have the chance to do this again, I will have to be willing to spend my time for interviewing experts and be more active in finding more teens in different area so that the information would be also useful for them.
Building the content
I did really well on selecting different information to be the content of my book. I think my weakness is that in dividing the book into equal section for the eating and drinking part with the sport part. Next time, I will have to add more information on the sleeping part since the main three things I put as a slogan for my book is “eat-sleep-exercise”. Therefore, I need to have balance amount of information for these three sections.
Creating the book
In this part, I did well on using the software called Photoscape. My strength was being able to use Photoscape to create every page of the book on my own exploration. I also did well on arranging the content so it has good flow with it. What I need to improve is on selecting good pictures as the template so that it helps more in delivering the message. Next time, I need to try to use the pictures that I took myself for the templates, design or pictures that I use so that the book has higher originality.
Testing Method
I did really well on surveying the product to my target audience. Not only people in my school but I manage to bring my product and survey it on the church that I went to. I asked them questions that is related to my book, the content, and design. Not only asking question, I also analyzed them carefully too. I need to improve on having more amount of people answering the survey. Next time, I need to have more people on each group category to answer the survey so that it is more objective.
My product turns out very satisfying for me. The strength of the product is that it affect my target audience for their awareness. The weakness of the product is just the matter of design. What I need to improve on is making the design more interesting and consider on the font type that I use. Next time, I need to be wiser in choosing the font type, colors, and size that I use.  
APPENDIX B: Collection of Information

Pre-survey result
Result regarding to the format/design

Result regarding to the content/healthy lifestyle

From the result, I see they have the knowledge to live a healthy life; it is just the matter of applying it. It would be useless if they have the knowledge but not applying it to their lives.

Comparison of the book samples

Panduan Kecantikan (untuk Remaja)
Mayo Clinic Family Health Book
Structure of the book
Title page Title page
Introduction Introduction
Table of content Table of content
Everything is divided into sections Instruction on how to use the book
Bibliography Index page
Words from the author Explanation on special terms that is used
Special features
Divided into chapters Everything is divided into sections
Use same design/format Use same format
Use same font Use same font
Use pictures Use pictures
Has page numbers Has page numbers
Black and white printing Has question and answer section
Three color printing (black, white, blue)
Research notes

APPENDIX C: Creating the Book

Choosing the software
I finally choose photoscape as the software to create the book. After experiencing using three different software (Photoscape, Photoshop, and Microsoft Word) I decide to use Photosacpe because it is simpler and does not take much time to learn it. Though Photoscape is mostly used to edit pictures, I tried to create the book in ‘.jpg’ form to make it easier for the printing part.
Choosing the topics
Inside the book Mayo Clinic Family Health Book, the main topic they have for teens section are: growth and development; personality and behavior; conditions and general anxiety; teen sexuality; and specific anxiety. I decide to break up the condition and general anxiety section and take the sub topic which are: nutrition fact and exercise one of the topics that I use for my book. Besides that, I also use the result of my research to decide the topics that I have.
Topic Reason why I choose the topic
Food balance It is like an introduction on the main topic: eating and drinking healthy food.
Healthy eating It is important in the fact where it explains what we need regarding to the food and drinks we consume.
Junk food It is one of the most important topic that I want to deliver because if I see around to teens way of life, most of them want to eat something simple, does not take much time, and yummy but, they don’t know the side effects of it.
Types of hunger It is another topic that I found interesting, it is something unusual and attractive. Besides that, it is important for teens to know how to handle different kind of hunger.
Developing healthy eating habits It explains on the things that we need to do so that we are not off track.
Nutrition for teens It is important because by knowing the amount of nutrient we need to consume, we can balance it to the kind of food we eat.
Vitamins and minerals It is needed as an information that teens need when choosing what kind of food they eat.
What to eat? It is a part that gives ideas to the readers on what they could eat when they are confused.
Snacking It is one of the topic that is necessary because when we are hungry in a middle of a big meal, it’s better for us to have some snack instead of taking another big meal.
List of menus It is similar as “What to eat?”section because it also gives ideas for the readers as well.
Simple ways to prepare food and drinks It is like a solution for ‘lazy’ teens that only wants something simple, easy and fast.
Diet It is something necessary for teens because sometimes we are not satisfy on how we look but if we are on a diet, we have to know the side effects of it.

Sports It is an introduction to a new section that will brings the readers more to a deeper content.
Nutrition for athletes It is important because athletes should know what the best nutrition for them is in order to perform their best.
Diet for athletes It is another important topic in order for athletes to know what they should eat.
Drinking for athletes It is important in the fact that teens can’t just drink anything they want because it will affect their performance when playing.
Supplement for athletes It is an additional topic where sometimes teens think that they will have better performance after taking pills and stuff but they don’t know the side effects of it.
Game day It is a part where everything explains what they should and should not do when they are about to have a game.
Types of exercises It contains solutions for teens who don’t know what they can do as a sport for them.
Picking the right sport It is a section that contains tips for teens to pick what is best for them.

Choosing the type of resources
The resources that I use includes newspaper, survey (facebook), video, interview, books, magazine and websites. The reason behind using facebook as a source to distribute the survey is because more people can answer them. I use newspaper because it is something that people see and for sure, the information is very useful. I use book and magazine because it is officially published and edited which shows that the book could affect others after reading. Using websites is very useful because it has wider range of information. I choose a coach as my resource because coaches know and experience more about sports, they do sport for themselves and they know what is good and bad for them.
Detailed process of creating the book
I started the process by collecting and selecting the information that seems to be important for the book content. Then, after selecting them, I try to divide them into parts and make a rough of which content goes to which page. I organize the book order myself starting from something general to specific. I decided to put the ‘food and drink’ topic at first because I found that topic more interesting than the other two topics. Due to lack of information about sleeping, I decide to put the ‘sleeping’ topic in the middle of the two other topics so that it’s like a transition between them. Last but not least, I put the ‘sport’ topic in the last part of the book because not everyone like sport though it is important and I want to save the most important in the back so the readers would remember it most.

After I am done with dividing them into parts, I start on searching for pictures and templates that is related to the topic. By doing this, it helps me to get inspiration on how the layout will be and make me easier when editing it using the photoscape software.

When finish with collecting pictures, I move on to editing it with photscape. There, I copy-paste the things that I want to put and designed it so that the readers would not get board. Before printing it, I show a soft-copy of the book. Some things that I get from my supervisor was to have page number in each page, a table of content, introduction page and conclusion page. After finish adding all the information that I want to add to the book, I try to print a copy to see how it looks.

When I finish the rough draft of the book, I show it to my supervisor to ask for inputs. Some of the comments that I need to consider includes the usage of fonts and colors; and to have something the same in each page so that there is a flow between them. I decide to take a look back to my work and decide to have something on top of each page to make all pages the same. For the use of fonts and colors, it is just a matter of the printer quality. There, I learn that the printer quality needs to be good and the paper should be thicker. In the end, I decide not to print it myself instead bringing it to a printing center and bind it there so the quality would be good.

APPENDIX D: Testing Method

Method of survey
The way I do the survey is by showing the book and distributing the surveys to my target audience according to their group age; 13 – 17 years. This method is more efficient and objective because they represent their group age. Since there are lots of people who is within that range of age, I decided to choose five people from each age group. In total, I have surveyed 25 students aged 13 to 17. Like what I’ve planned in the beginning, this survey will point out whether or not 60% of my target audience feels more aware after reading the book.
Survey result
Here is the result of the first survey

Here is the result of the additional survey
Question Yes No Result
Is the design looks modern?
Yes: 25/25×100%=100%
No: 0/25×100%=0%
Yes, the design is modern.

Is the book colorful?
Yes, the book is colorful.

Does the book have enough pictures for every sections (food and drinks, sport)?
Yes, the book has enough pictures for every section.

What information that you know now, that you don’t know before? (New information you get) Way to overcome emotional hunger.
Now I know the details for nutrition for teens, and what to eat for snacks and how to eat healthily.
How to have a healthy diet
Food balance is a way to balance the food that you eat to keep your body strong
We have to be balanced in sports and stuff to be healthy
Avoid junk foods.
We need to have balance between food, drink, sport and sleeping.
About the sleeping information
Extra information that I got is about the healthy foods and sports stuff.
How to have a healthy diet
To have a healthy life by having enough sleep
I get new information like we can have a habit (a good one) by doing something good like bringing good snakes everywhere and you will be healthy from it.
Way to overcome emotional hunger.
You have to be balance in life
We can eat what ever we want and enjoy the food
The need of sleep
Types of hunger
The benefits of healthy eating
You need to have balance life.
You need to be balance
Bringing good snakes everywhere is important
I know that we need to control our food
About the diet program
Healthy life play a big role in life
What food not to eat when having diet Through their response, everyone learn something new from it. Therefore, the book made an impact/gives the awareness to teens
From the survey result, I could see that they learn something useful from the question “What information that you know now, that you don’t know before?” because everyone fills in the new thing that they learn from the book. Not only that, my target audience give me some of the following things to improve my product; which are:
Tell more about junk food
Make the book more interesting and attractive
Chose an easier-to-read font
Add more pictures
To make it more persuasive, you can put more of the side effects of not getting enough sleep/good food/exercise
A better printing
Add more explanation about sports
Pictures of survey