October 28, 2010

Analysis of Information - 2nd Draft

Analysis of Information

The focus of my research links to the Areas of Interaction, Health and Social Education. I focused more on how to make teens aware to stay healthy (the content) instead of the book creation (links to Human Ingenuity). Both of this Areas of Interaction (AOI) plays an important role to the final product. A book that talks about healthy life specifically on teens is hard to find at bookstores. This interests me to do some research on healthy life focusing on teens and present it in a form of a book.

About the format
I did a pre-survey to 25 of my target audience (teenagers aged 13-17) asking them questions about their expectation towards the final product. The reason is to make sure they would read the book, not only flipping the pages. From the result, they want it to be colorful, use pictures and have modern style design.

I also did some research to find out the characteristic of a good book. A good book is something that will stand out in the memory of the readers (Locke, Jennifer). It provides knowledge that the readers seek, easily understand and give reading experience (Hamilton, Gordon). A good book should have proper introduction that takes the reader’s attention so they have the feeling of excitement to read more (Morgan, Brittany L.).

Here are two examples of what a guidebook looks like.

Through this knowledge, I understand that a book is something memorable, gives knowledge, has creative design, use many colors and have good introduction. By having these characteristics, it would end with a good book.

About the Content
I did a pre-survey to 25 of my target audience (teenagers aged 13-17) asking them several question about their lifestyle. The purpose is to see their understanding on healthy life and gives an idea of what the content will be. From the result, I see they have the knowledge to live a healthy life; it is just the matter of applying it. It would be useless if they have the knowledge but not applying it to their lives. Looking back to the aim of my Areas of Interaction, Health and Social Education, “How am I changing?” it relates to my goal on making awareness to the target audience.

From knowing this, I decided to research the content of my project from internet, books, magazines, interviews, videos, and newspapers. Our body needs a daily supply of protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats to get the energy it need (Margolin, Lisa). I understand that to live a healthy life, we need two major things, which are healthy eating, and doing exercises. During teenage stage, teens gain about 20% of adult height and 50% of adult weight (Paul, Maya W). I found this fact interesting and I learn that what we do in our teenage time, determines a part of our future. This is something useful for the content of my book.

Getting deeper in the research, I also try to find what a healthy eating is. It is a way of balancing the food that we eat in order to keep our body strong, energized and well feed. The benefits we get includes enough energy, stay strong and more. Healthy eating includes, taking regular meals, balance nutrient, not skipping meals, and avoid sugar (Healthy Eating). A magazine article from sastika fit publication state that breakfast is the most important meal. It gives more concentration, manage body weight, and maintain cholesterols (Sarapan = Memulai Hari Dengan Baik).

There are specific amount of calories, proteins, calcium and irons that teens’ body needs (Paul, Maya W). Teens should choose food that has high energy and nutrients (BBC - Health: Healthy Eating for Teenagers). You can control your portion of eating by using “divided plate” (Gavin, Mary L). Choosing healthy choices is to pick wisely the things you eat. If you are board with the menu, change the menu but still consume what your body need (Teen Health - Health Topics - Healthy Eating).

I did not recognize that there are two types of hunger: emotional and physical hunger. Actually, each of them has its own meaning (Stehl, Meredith Lutz). Teens are at a high risk of developing anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating disorders. (Paul, Maya W). Many teens are dissatisfied with their weight so they skip meals (BBC - Health: Healthy Eating for Teenagers). Teens should not take diets. When they stop eating, they stop giving their body the things it needs. Diets in the age of 12 – 17 lead to weak bones, and anemia. A way to avoid dieting is to maintain what we eat (Healthy Eating for Teenagers).

Getting the right amount of exercise can improve our mood and increase energy levels. Experts recommend that teens should get 60 minutes or more of moderate physical activity each day (Gavin, Mary L). Exercise gives the benefits to every part of the body including the mind. It helps some people to sleep, look and lose weight better. The maximum amount of exercise in a week is five days with at least two to three months break per year (Gavin, Mary L).

Teen athletes have unique nutrition needs. They need around 2,000-5,000 calories to have enough energy for their sports performance and growth each day (Gavin, Mary L). Not fulfilling the amount of calories needed would end with less quality of performance and risk in breaking the building of muscles.

When doing an exercise, enough drink is important. You should drink mineral water, sweet tea, and sport drinks (Simanjuntak). In one of the newspaper article, it shows that when your body is lack out of liquid, dehydration happens (Saji, September 2010, Pg. 10). Try to drink before and after exercise and every 15 to 20 minutes during exercise. When having a sport game, be wise in choosing the food you eat (Food Standards Agency - Eat Well, Be Well - Sport and Exercise). You should eat 2 – 4 hours before game because it takes the same time for the body to the food (Simanjuntak). Smart snacking like fruit can help to keep you going until your next full meal (Gavin, Mary L). Stomach cramps might happen when you eating too soon (Gavin, Mary L).

Pick the right sport for you. According to an interview with one of the coaches from our school, Coach Alex Simanjuntak, he suggests us to refer back to the talent we have in order to choose the right sport for us. When exercising, try to find an activity that gets your heart beating faster, quickens your breathing, and makes you sweaty (Gavin, Mary L).

Besides food and exercise, sleeping also affect teens health. Based on a video made by National Sleep Foundation Teen Study shows that teens need eight to night hours of sleep (Dr. Breus on Teens and Sleep Deprivation)

From the information above, I finally understand deeply that a healthy life is a combination of eating healthy food and doing sport/exercise. Now I realize that not all teens know the real meaning of healthy life. Therefore, I need this information in by book to create the sense of awareness for the readers.

Relation to the HSE
Through the research that I have done, I have certainly included all the keys of HSE. For the question, “How do I think and act?” we do have the knowledge but it is just the matter of applying it in our lives. This question could be link to my goal, which is to give awareness for teens to live a healthy life. The second question “How am I changing?” links to the research in the way our actions change. After knowing the consequences, personally it inspires me to change the way of life that I am having right now especially with the way choosing the food I eat. This also links with the question “How can I look after myself and others?” because I also need to see what impact given from the book that I have made. The fact that during teenage stage, teens gain about 20% of adult height and 50% of adult weight (Paul, Maya W) means that what we did today as teens will determines our live in the future. This fact personally motivates me to have better life. I hope that it motivates the readers too.

October 26, 2010

10 more pages..

These are some more pictures on the things that I've done..

October 25, 2010

Process up to today..

Well, up to now, I am finish with the rough of the first three pages for my book. Here are the result:

October 24, 2010


Based on the plan, I should brainstorm the design of the book but then, I decided to skip this plan because it's kind-a hard. So, I decided to move on and continue to the step of putting the content to the design. Hope to see more progress by next week.

October 16, 2010

16 October 2010

These are some more pictures of the content of the book. Finally, I'm done with the content and now, I need to start making the design of the book.

October 14, 2010

14 October 2010

These are some pictures of the content of my work: There are some changes parts that I have edited. Some more pictures are coming.. =)

October 12, 2010

12 October 2010

Here is what I've done today..
these are the pictures of the book's content that I've done today.

October 11, 2010

Meeting with supervisor

Today, I meet with my supervisor discussing my analysis. Not only with my supervisor, I also meet with another supervisor last week or so. After both discussion, I think I could improve my analysis by making it more deeper and include the appendix if I want to make it longer.
From my supervisor, she told me to start making the book so that we could make comparison from what the book is and what my analysis is.
So far, I've only edit one of the content part which is the blood type one:

Well, that's it for now.. =)