September 23, 2010

Analysis of Information

The focus of my research links to the Areas of Interaction, Health and Social Education. Here, I need to focus more on how to make people aware to stay healthy (the content) instead of the creation of the book (which links to Human Ingenuity). Both of this Areas of Interaction (AOI) plays an important role to the final product. When I saw books in bookstores about healthy life, it is harder for me to find that focuses on teens. This made me interested to do some research on healthy life that focuses on teens and present it in a form of a book.

About the format
I did a pre-survey to 25 of my target audience (teenagers aged 13-17) asking them several question on their expectation towards the final product. The reason why I asked them is to make sure they would actually read the book instead of flipping the pages around. From the result, I could conclude they want colorful colors, pictures and modern style design. By this way, I could have some picture on what my target audience expects.
I did some research to find out the characteristic of a good book. A good book is something that will stand out in the memory of the readers (Locke, Jennifer). A good book provides the reader with the knowledge they seek and in a way, they can absorb and understand the content easily. It also provides the reader with reading experience (Hamilton, Gordon). A good book should have proper introduction that takes the reader’s attention so that they have excitement to read more and have proper grammar (Morgan, Brittany L.).
From this information, I learn that I will need to create a book that have the characteristics of a what good book have. Mainly, it should be something memorable, gives knowledge have creative design, use many colors and have good introduction that takes the reader’s attention. By having these characteristics, it would end with a great book.

About the Content
I did a pre-survey to 25 of my target audience (teenagers aged 13-17) asking them several question about their lifestyle. The purpose of this survey is to see their understanding on healthy life. From the survey result, I could conclude that they have the knowledge to live a healthy life but it is just the matter of applying it in their daily lives. I feel that they have good knowledge but it would be useless if they do not apply it to their life. Looking back to the aim of my AOI, Health and Social Education, “How am I changing?” it relates to my goal on making awareness to the target audience.
From knowing this, I decided to research the content of my project from internet, book, magazine, interview, video, and newspaper. Our body needs a daily supply of protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats to get the fuel it needs for energy and optimum (Margolin, Lisa). I learn that to live a healthy life, we need two major things. We need to have healthy eating and exercise. In teenage stage, teens gain about 20% of adult height and 50% of adult weight (Paul, Maya W). I found this fact interesting. From this fact, I could learn that what we do in our teenage stage, we will bring it to our future. This is something useful for the content of my book.
Getting deeper in the research, I also try to find what a healthy eating is. It is a way of balancing the food that we eat in order to keep our body strong, energized and well feed, there are lots of benefits that we get from eating healthy food such as having enough energy, stay strong and more. Healthy eating also includes, take regular meals, balance nutrient, not skipping meals, avoid sugar, and avoid diet thinking. (Healthy Eating). A magazine article from sastika fit publication shows that one important meal that we need to consume is breakfast. People who take regular breakfast has more concentration, manage body weight, and better cholesterol (Sarapan = Memulai Hari Dengan Baik).
There are specific amount of calories, proteins, calcium and irons that teens’ body need. The amount of calories that boys need is 2500 – 2800 grams while girls needs around 2200 grams each day; 45 – 60 grams of protein each day; 1200 mg of calcium each day; and 12 mg of iron for boys and 15 mg of iron for girls each day (Paul, Maya W). Choosing food is important for teens. The food that they consume should be rich in energy and nutrients, plenty of starchy carbohydrate, at least five portions of fruit and vegetables, two portions of dairy products, two servings of protein, not to many fatty food, and take regular exercise (BBC - Health: Healthy Eating for Teenagers). You can control your portion of eating by using “divided plate” which contains of 1/4 carbohydrate, ¼ protein, ½ vegetable (Gavin, Mary L). A way to make healthy choice is eat a piece of fruit a day, drink more than 2 glasses of water a day, chose whole meal or whole grain bread instead of white bread, move the visible fat from raw meats, grill instead of frying, and eat slowly. You could also have variety of food type such as cereals, meat and fish, fruit and vegetables, dairy, and water. When you break this a part, there are lots of variation you could have (Teen Health - Health Topics - Healthy Eating).
When you feel hungry, be careful! There are two types of hunger, emotional and physical hunger. Emotional hunger is when we feel hungry suddenly, tends to eat more than normal portion, and cause guilt. Physical hunger is when we tends to come on gradually and can be postponed, can be satisfied with any number of foods, stop eating when full, does not cause any feeling of guilt (Stehl, Meredith Lutz).
Teens are at a high risk of developing anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating disorders. (Paul, Maya W). Many teens are dissatisfied with their weight. To avoid gaining weight, they skip meals; avoid red meat, snacks and sugary foods (BBC - Health: Healthy Eating for Teenagers). This is not a good way of living. Teens should not take diets. When we stop eating, we stop giving our body the goodness it needs to stay healthy. When dieting in the age of 12 – 17, it leads to weak bones. It could lead to poor intakes of folic acid and iron. These particles are nutrients that prevent us from anemia. Instead of dieting, we could improve our daily diet like eat fruits and apply dinner-plate size to your daily meals (Healthy Eating for Teenagers).
Getting the right amount of exercise can rev up energy levels and help improve our mood. Experts recommend that teens should get 60 minutes or more of moderate physical activity each day and try to do some stretching activity in the morning, lunch and after school (Gavin, Mary L). The reason for that is because exercise benefits every part of the body including the mind, it help some people sleep better, to look better, help people lose weight and lower the risk of disease and help a person age well. Tough, too much of a good thing is not good. The maximum amount of training in a week is five days with at least two to three months break per year (Gavin, Mary L).
Teen athletes have unique nutrition needs. They need extra calories to have enough energy for their sports performance and growth. The calories that they need depend on how active they are. They mostly need around 2,000 to 5,000 calories each day (Gavin, Mary L). The consequence if they do not fulfill the calories needed for their body, it would end with less quality of performance and risk in breaking the building of muscles. Muscle growth came from regular training and hard work. Athletes need to concentrate on consuming healthier fat in vegetable oils because fatty food digests slowly.
When doing an exercise, enough drink is important. What you should drink are drinks like mineral water, sweet tea, and sport drinks (Simanjuntak). In one of the newspaper article, it shows that when your body is lack out of liquid this is when dehydration happens (Saji, September 2010, Pg. 10). Try to drink before and after exercise and every 15 to 20 minutes during exercise. The best drink to drink is mineral water. When having a sport game, try to eat carbohydrates and protein after intense activity, take fruits and sport drink. Carbohydrate and protein are good source of energy (Food Standards Agency - Eat Well, Be Well - Sport and Exercise). Remember, when it is a ‘game day’ eats a meal 2 – 4 hours before the game because it takes time for the body to digest the food and eat snack less than 2 hours before the game (Simanjuntak). Smart snacking such as fruit can help you to keep going until your full meal is (Gavin, Mary L). The cause of eating too soon is making the stomach cramps and sick. (Gavin, Mary L)
When you want to pick a sport, try to pick the right one. According to an interview with Coach Alex Simanjuntak, one of the coaches from Sekolah Pelita Harapan Sentul City, he said that we need to see what talent you have then you will be able to choose the kind of sport that you like. You should consider to your workout personality solo sports/doing things alone or shared motivation/being a team; have good plan and consideration; consult with someone who understand the exercise; and check your health condition (Gavin, Mary L). Some simple exercises include walking, using stairs instead of elevator. When exercising, find an activity that gets your heart beating faster quickens your breathing and makes you sweaty (Gavin, Mary L).
Not only the food and exercise matters to our health. Sleeping also affects the health of teens. Based on a video made by National Sleep Foundation Teen Study shows that “51% have driven drowsy; 28% fall asleep once a week during school; 22% fall asleep doing homework and 54% go to bed at or after 11 pm on school nights. They end up with sleeping during 1st period of class and need to consume energy drinks and coffee to keep them awake. (Dr. Breus on Teens and Sleep Deprivation)
From the information above, I finally understand deeply about having a healthy life by doing two major things, which are eating healthy food and doing sport/exercise. I realize that not all teens know the knowledge behind healthy life. I believe these information need to be included in by book to create a sense of awareness.

Relation to the HSE
Through the research that I have achieved, I have certainly included all the keys of HSE. For the question, “How do I think and act?” I believe that we actually have the knowledge but it is just the matter of applying it in our daily lives. This question could be link to my goal, which is to give awareness for teens to live a healthy life. When trying to link it with the second question “How am I changing?” it links by how our actions change. When knowing the consequences, it inspires me to change the way of life that I am having right now especially with the way I eat and the food I eat. This also links with the question “How can I look after myself and others?” since I also need to see what impact will I make after I finish my book. Based on the fact in teenage stage, teens gain about 20% of adult height and 50% of adult weight (Paul, Maya W). What this mean is that what we did in our teenage stage will affect our live in the present. This fact motivates me to take care of my live and hope that it motivates the readers too.

September 20, 2010

Meeting with supervisor

Today, I meet my supervisor to ask about the analysis. I send my supervisor the analysis of information that I have finish so far. The reason for asking my supervisor to proof check my analysis is to make sure what I have done is right. So, today's meeting proof checking the analysis that I have done so far.

September 15, 2010

Follow up - research

Well, it's been awhile since I updated my blog. Up to now, I'm still on the analysis part. Everything is fine, following the plan, I have finish fining information about different healthy food and drinks, sports and fun activities, interview an expert on about healthy food for sport, find several possible fun activity and gather them together. This is the same as what I have planned before. So, the plan is that after I analyze the information I have, I will have to proof check it with my supervisor.

September 5, 2010

Introduction (of the book) and revision of AOI

Following the plan, by the end of this week, I should finish on the introduction of the book. This is just the sketch/rough draft of how it would be:

Facing teen;s life is not easy. We cannot enjoy our life if we have bad health condition. This is one of the factors that inspire me to make a book about healthy life. Some teens eat unhealthy food and drinks, not doing exercise and many unhealthy things. What we need to have is good time management. It is not easy to divide our time since we have school, lessons, or other activities that we do each day. However, if we do not start to manage our time, it would affect our life in the future. Through this book, you will be able to find facts and tips about healthy lifestyle especially on foods, drinks and sports. After reading this book, hopefully you will be more aware to change your lifestyle from an unhealthy lifestyle to a healthy lifestyle. Enjoy reading!

Not only this, I also change my AOI for my introduction. I ask some advice from other supervisors and try to reflect back to my AOI. If I choose Human Ingenuity (HI) for my AOI, it is more to how I present the data so that I change it to Health and Social Education (HSE) so I could focus more on the content of the book.
This is the revised AOI
For this project, I am applying the Areas of Interaction (AOI), which is Health and Social Education (HSE) because I could use the knowledge that I have through the research and show it in the book. By using the Health and Social Education Areas of Interaction, I would achieve my goal by showing the knowledge that I have about healthy lifestyle for teens, and give them information and tips that hopefully be useful for their life. The guiding questions that I will use for this project are "How do I think and act?", "How am I changing?" and "How can I look after myself and others?" From these guidelines, I need to be aware that there will be some key questions that I will need through the project.

September 2, 2010

Research Notes

Today, I'm done with my research! I have six different type of sources: interview, books, magazine, video, internet, newspaper, and survey. Following the plan, I have finish the research based on topic questions, different healthy stuff, and interviewing. What I need to do is the introduction of the book that I am going to make. I will try to finish it by the end of this week!


What kind of information are you looking for?

- Healthy food and drinks

o Benefit of healthy eating

o Healthy eating

o Tips of healthy eating

o Junk food

o Tips on what to eat

§ Healthy meals

§ Recipes

o How to make healthy choices

o Improving daily diets

o What teens needs

§ Carbohydrate, etc

§ Nutritional needs

o Healthy eating habits

o Eating disorders

o Different variety of menus

o Smart snacking

o Types of hunger/eating yup how was this

§ Physical

§ Emotional

§ Ways to overcome emotional hunger

o Vitamins and minerals

§ Category of vitamins

- Sports

o Eating for sports

o Types of sports

- Additional information

o Sliming

o Acne

o Sleeping disorders

o Healthy weight

o Self-esteem

- Fun activities

o Types of fun activities

o How to make it

What are the possible solutions?

The possible solution is to first, find good informative content by researching through websites, books, interview and many other resources. After having all of the information ready, compile them in a form of a book but remember, it should be interesting! When the book is done, print it out and show people to test whether it meets the standard of success or not.

What does it contain?

The book contains the researches that I have. The main points are: healthy food and drinks, sports, fun fact (additional information) and fun activities. (PS: For detailed content, please refer to the “what kind of information are you looking for” section

What materials can you use to use?

- Papers (depends on the amount of page)

- Information

- Pictures

- Designs

What construction skills will I use?

I will need good researching skills like find good information, resources, reliable source and making sure it fits to the content. I will also need some designing skills to make the book as interesting as possible.

What kind of equipment will I use?

There are several equipment that I will need. I will need laptop to do most of the things (research, compiling information, designing, etc). I will also need the laptop charger to charge the battery. I will need internet connection to find inspiration for the content itself. I will need printer to print the book (another solution is to go a printing store).


What information do I need? i.e facts, examples, diagrams, table, graphs, experts.



Primary Resources

Newspaper: Saji

At home

Survey: Random teens (age of 13 – 17)

Via face-book


Video: Dr. Breus on Teens and Sleep Deprivation

You Tube

Interview: Alex Simanjuntak

Via phone; 081********

Secondary Resources

Book: Menu Sehat Sesuai Golongan Darah

At home

Magazine: Sastika fit

At home

Website: healthy eating

Internet (

Website: teen health

Internet (

Website: healthy eating for teens

Internet (

Website: healthy eating for teens

Internet (

Website: developing healthy eating habit

Internet (

Website: smart snacking

Internet (

Website: emotional eating

Internet (

Website: amount of food

Internet (

Website: vitamins and minerals

Internet (

Website: healthy eating tips for teens

Internet (

Website: a guide to eating for sports

Internet (

Website: what to eat

Internet (

Website: exercise is wise

Internet (

Website: healthy weight

Internet (


(MLA format)

(use bullet points or concept webs based on the main ideas and supporting details)
(only write complete sentences if it is a direct quote)

Rosmala, Zizi. Menu Sehat Sesuai Golongan Darah. Jakarta: Puspa Swara, 2007. Print.

- ‘A’ blood type

o ‘A’ blood type has higher risk to get sickness like heart attack, cancer and diabetes.

o They need food that is fresh, organic, and natural.

o The meats they ate is stored as fat which causes over weight

o They have low levels of gastric acid

o List of food that should be avoid

§ Meat, milk, red beans, wheat

o List of food that should be consume

§ Vegetable, vegetable oil, pineapple, donkey products

o List of food that gives benefits

§ Seafood and fish: salmon, sardine, carp (gurame),cattle fish, cat fish, snail

§ Vegetables (better to eat it raw or steam it): tofu, milk, soybean, broccoli, spinaches, water spinach (kangkung), cassava, parsley, carrot, lettuce, pumpkin, garlic and onions

§ Fruits: apricot, blueberry, blackberry, cherry, pineapple, prunes, cranberry, lemon, grape, plums, fig

§ Other type of food: flour, bread, noodle, olive oil, turmeric, ginger, green tea

o List of food to be avoid

§ Meats: Pork, goat, cow, buffalo, duck, bull, goose, rabbit.

§ Seafood: Frog, fish egg, shrimp, lobster, octopus, squid, shells

§ Vegetable: Potato, chili, red bean, cumin (jinten), cabbage, pickles

§ Fruits: Banana, honeydew, orange, mango, coconut, papaya

§ Drinks: Sodas, black tea, ice cream, skim milk, pure milk

§ Food: Butter, parmesan cheese, muffins, tomato sauce, bread, wheat.

- ‘B’ blood type

o ‘B’ blood type has higher risk to get sickness like heart attack and diabetes.

o List of food that should be avoid

§ Corn, wheat, beans, Japanese noodle, lentils (miju)

o List of food that should be consume

§ Green vegetable, liver, egg, milk, tea with brown sugar, meat without fats

o List of food that gives benefits

§ Meat without fats: goat, sheep, rabbit, bull,

§ Seafood: sardine, fish egg, catfish, cattle fish.

§ Vegetables (better to eat it raw or steam it): olive oil, broccoli, sweet potato, cumin, red bean, cabbage, carrot, beet, parsley,

§ Fruits: banana, grape, plum, pineapple, papaya

§ Other type of food: oatmeal, red rice

§ Drinks: green tea, milk

o List of food to be avoid

§ Meats: chicken, pork, duck, goose, partridge(ayam hutan) , quail (burung puyuh)

§ Seafood: shrimp, snail, octopus, shells, turtle

§ Vegetable: sesame oil, corn oil, canola oil, azuki bean, Japanese noodle, tomatoes, pumpkin.

§ Fruits: Coconut, star fruit,

§ Drinks: alcohol, soda

§ Food: tofu, ice cream, American cheese, tomato sauce, soybean, peanut butter, cinnamon, black pepper, gelatin

- ‘AB’ blood type

o List of food that should be avoid

§ Red meat, red beans, corn, wheat, Japanese noodle, grains

o List of food that should be consume

§ Pineapple, tofu, seafood, milk, spinach, cassava, water spinach

o List of food that gives benefits

§ Meat: goat, cow, sheep, rabbit, turkey

§ Seafood: cattle fish, catfish, snail, sardine, tuna.

§ Vegetables : olive oil, beans, donkey product, broccoli, celery, cabbage, cucumber, carrot, onion, cumin, mushroom, tofu, ginger, sweet potato, turmeric

§ Fruits: cherry, grapes, pineapple, papaya, strawberry, lemon, plum, cranberry, fig

§ Other type of food: rice, bread, oatmeal, mozzarella cheese

§ Drinks: goat milk, yoghurt, green tea, coffee

o List of food to be avoid

§ Meats: pork, buffalo, goose, chicken, duck, quail (burung puyuh)

§ Seafood: shells, shrimp, frog, lobster, turtle

§ Vegetable: sesame oil, corn oil, azuki bean, Japanese noodle, corn flakes

§ Fruits: avocadoes, coconut, guava, orange, banana, star fruit, mango, pickles

§ Drinks: full cream milk, soda, black tea

§ Food: American cheese, ice cream, butter, blue cheese, tomato sauce

- ‘O’ blood type

o List of food that should be avoid

§ Cabbage, corn, red bean, sticky rice, sprout

o List of food that should be consume

§ Liver, red meat, spinach, water spinach, broccoli, iodized salt, seafood

o List of food that gives benefits

§ Meat: cow, bull, sheep, buffalo, goat, deer

§ Seafood: salmon, sardine, cattle fish

§ Vegetables : donkey products, broccoli, spinach, spinach water, cassava, lettuce, onion, carrot, seaweed, turnip

§ Fruits: fig, plums, blackcherry, blueberry, pineapple, grape

o List of food to be avoid

§ Food: wheat, fish egg, goose, avocado, mushroom, potato, vanilla, mayonnaise, octopus, cabbage, vinegar, corn, pork, coconut

§ Drinks: milk, cream, coffee, sodas

"Waspadai Dehidrasi." Saji 1 - 14 Sept. 2010, 190th ed., Hidup Sehat sec.: 10. Print.

- Dehydration is the time when our body is lack of liquid.

- When dehydration happens, we usually feel weak, tired, and headache. Our appearance will be pale, thickened saliva, and many more.

- Ions are needed to function our organs cells. Sodium ions are needed to send instruction to the brain nerves and muscles. Potassium ions are needed so that we have normal heartbeats and muscle functions.

- Liquid for the body could be find not only by drinking water but you could also find them in fruits such as honeydew, watermelon, coconut, cucumber and more.

"Sarapan = Memulai Hari Dengan Baik." Sastika Fit May 2000: 81. Print.

- People who eat breakfast seems to be more fresh instead of those who don’t take their breakfast.

- People who take regular breakfast has more concentration, able to manage their body weight, has better cholesterol in their blood which reduce the chance of getting heart attack.

- Some easy ways of having breakfast:

o Fast-food cereal in hot condition mixed with fruits/yogurt/milk.

o Mixture of milk, fruit and yogurt mixed together (breakfast shake)

o Fried tofu with vegetable

o Sandwich with boiled egg, slice of tomato and a little bit of mayonnaise

- Try not to have breakfast that has high carbohydrate like rice because those kind of food makes us sleepy since the digestive system works so hard in processing the food.

"YouTube - Dr. Breus on Teens and Sleep Deprivation." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. 25 Mar. 2007. Web. 22 Aug. 2010. .

- Sleeping abroad

- Students needs energy drinks and coffee to keep them awake

- Many teens says that during the 1st period of class, lots of students sleep

- National Sleep Foundation Teen Study

o 51% Have driven drowsy

o 28% fall asleep once a week during school

o 22% fall asleep doing homework

o 54% Go to bed at or after 11 pm on school nights

- What is right is if we have school at 7.30am, we need to sleep at 9 pm the night before. Because teens need to sleep 8 half to 9 quarter of sleep is what teens need. They are still growing and brains are still maturing.

- The warning sign of not enough sleep:

o Wanted caffeine drinks before school

- They have lower grades in morning classes.

Facebook. Web. 10 Aug. 2010. .

Here are the questions and answer based on the survey given:

1. What kind of food do you usually eat? vegetables and meat

2. What kind of drinks do you usually drink? mineral water

3. What sport/exercise do you do regularly? Basketball

4. How do you manage your time to do your work and sport (outside school time)? do sport once a week

5. Do you know what a healthy food is? it is something nutritious

6. Do you know the importance of doing sport/exercise? to be healthy

7. What kind of activity do you like to be put inside the book? word search

8. What color do you like? Black

9. What kind of design do you like? Modern

10. How can I make my book interesting? use lots of pictures

11. What kind of book is persuasive? colorful

"Healthy Eating." Center for Young Women's Health. Web. 17 Aug. 2010. .

- A way of balancing the food that we eat in order to keep our body strong, energized and well feed. When you eat well, you are taking good care of your body.

- The benefit of healthy eating are:

o Have enough energy for the day

o Consume vitamins and minerals that is needed by the body

o Stay strong in doing activities

o Grow in height

o Maintain healthy weight

o Prevent unhealthy eating habits (ex. Skipping meals, feeling overly hungry, etc)

- Healthy eating:

o Have regular meals (3 times a day: morning, afternoon, evening) and snacks when we feel hungry.

o Eat either grains, fruits, vegetables, proteins, dairy proteins, and healthy fats each day so that it could fulfill the amount of nutrients needed for the body.

o Balancing the nutrient

o Eat when hungry and stop when we feel full.

o Don’t skip meals

§ Eating 3 meals with snack in between is the best way maintaining our energy.

§ 20% of teens skip breakfast, which makes them more likely to over-eat during the day.

o Learn making simple and healthy ways to prepare food

§ Try using simple skills such as: grilling, stir-frying, microwaving, baking, and boiling instead of deep frying.

§ Use dried herbs and spices to favor the food instead of toppings, butter, margarine, etc.

§ Trim the skin and fat of meat

o Avoid sugar

§ Sugar drinks contain a lot of energy in form of calories but they don’t have vitamins, minerals, protein or fiber. Limit the amount drinking regular soda or juice to 4 – 8 ounce each day.

o Be mindful when eating

§ Slow down and relax when eating. Try to make it at least 20 minutes because it takes 20 minutes for us to feel full.

§ Try fiber rich foods: whole grains, vegetables, fruits to feel comfortably full.

o Avoid “diet thinking”

§ Your health and happiness can be hurt by drastic weight loss plans

§ There are no good foods or bad foods.

"Teen Health - Health Topics - Healthy Eating." CYH Home - Home. Web. 17 Aug. 2010. .

- Healthy eating can make you look and feel different.

- The benefits are:

o Help to control body weight

o Give more energy

o Support body growth and development

o What we eat could affect our mood.

o It could avoid diseases that develop when people get to 40 year old such as: Heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, strokes, adult-onset diabetes, some cancers, osteoporosis.

- “Junk food”

o Food contains lots of fat, salt and sugar

§ Fat could increase the risk of heart diseases – heart attacks because not enough blood get through the heart, brain or other organs.

§ Salt could increase the risk of high blood pressure

§ Fat and sugar has high kilojoules. Provides body with lots of energy but if you don’t exercise, it will affect the increase of your body weight.

§ Sugar affects our tooth decay

§ Not enough fiber makes us feel constipation and increase the risk of cancer.

- Tips on what to eat:

o Cereals: bread, pasta, rice (food that provide carbohydrates)

o Meat and fish: chicken, red meat, fish, seafood (food that provide protein_

o Fruit and vegetables: food contains different nutrients, vitamins, minerals (2 serves of fruits and 5 serves of vegetables each day is recommended.

o Dairy: milk, cheese, yoghurt, ice cream (product contain calcium for the bones, teeth and nerves)

o Water: mineral water, try to drink several glasses a day.

- Making healthy choices

o What you can do are:

§ Eat a piece of fruit a day

§ Drink more than 2 glasses of water a day

§ Choose wholemeal or whole grain bread instead of white bread

§ Move away the visible fat form raw meat. Gill it instead of frying it.

§ Eat smaller portion or eat more slowly so you can feel it when you are full.

o Different choice of notorious foods

§ Vegetables, legumes and fruits, cereals, wholegrain, meat, fish, poultry, milks, yoghurts, cheese, water

"Healthy Eating For Teenagers." Weight Loss Diet Program, FREE Diet Advice! Weight Loss Diets, Low Carb Plan. Web. 18 Aug. 2010. .

- When we stop eating, we stop giving our body the goodness it needs to stay healthy.

- Dieting during early years (12 – 17 years) causes weak bones.

- It could lead to poor intakes of folic acid and iron (nutrients that prevent anemia (it makes you easily tired).

- Ways to improve daily diet:

o Snack on fruits

o Apply dinner-plate test to your meals: half the plate contains vegetables, ¼ with protein and ¼ with carbohydrates.

"BBC - Health: Healthy Eating for Teenagers." BBC - Homepage. Web. 18 Aug. 2010. .

- Teenagers’ diet should be focus on having good health

- This is the time where teens develop their independence from parents.

- Nutrition

o “The National Diet and Nutrition Survey of Young People Aged 4 – 18 years provides detailed information on the nutritional intake and physical activity levels of young people in the UK.”

- Iron deficiency

o One of the common nutritional deficiencies in the UK. The National Diet and Nutrition Survey up to 13% of teenage boys and 27% girls were found to have low iron stores.

o The main dietary source of iron is read meat, breakfast cereals, dried fruit, bread and green leafy vegetables.

- Calcium deficiency

o 25% of teens had a calcium intake below the recommended level.

o Osteoporosis is a disease causes bones to become brittle and break easily. Bones grow and strengthen until the age of 30

o Vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus are vital for this process

o Calcium-rich food should be consumed every day (milk).

- Foods to choose

o Food is in the diet should be rich in energy and nutrients

o Plenty of starchy carbohydrates – bread, pasta, rice, cereals, chapattis, couscous and potatoes, Plenty fruit and vegetables – at least five portions each day

o Two to three portions of dairy products – milk, yoghurt, pasteurized cheese

o Two servings of protein – meat, fish, eggs, beans, pulses

o Not to many fatty food, Limit sugar-rich food and drinks, Drink at least 8 glasses of fluid a day, Eat regular meals

o Take regular exercise – for overall fitness, cardiovascular health, and bone development

- Slimming

o Many teens are dissatisfied with their weight. They usually skip meals, avoid red meat, snacks and sugary foods What we can do is to low in essential nutrients and cut down on sugary and fatty foods to reduce excess calories. Teenage years are a time when eating disorders can develop

- Acne

o It could be cause by fatty and sugary goods, it is one of hormonal factors

Healthy, By Encouraging. "Nutrition for Children and Teens: Developing Healthy Eating Habits." Understand, Prevent and Resolve Life's Challenges. Web. 18 Aug. 2010. .

- Peer pressure and constant TV commercials for junk food could affect teens apatite to eat healthy foods

- Developing healthy eating habits

o Develop a natural preference for what they eat often and enjoy, Have regular family meals, Cook more meals at home: eating home cooked meals is healthier for the whole family, Make a variety of healthy foods available: keep plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grain snacks, water, milk, herbal tea, for snacks instead of soda, chips or cookies.

- Nutritional needs for teens

o In this stage, teens gain about 20% of adult height ad 50% of adult weight

- Eating disorders in teens

o Teens are at a high risk of developing anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating disorder

o Eating habits: if teens choices are less than ideal, it’s a challenging time because teens also have other priorities.

o The best way is to present information about short-term consequences that they can relate to: appearance, athletic ability, popularity and enjoyment of life because it seems more important than long-term health.

- Nutritional needs for teens

o Calories (lean protein, low-fat dairy, whole grains, fruits, veggies)

§ Boys: 2500 – 2800 per day; Girls: around 2200 per day.

o Protein (meat, fish, dairy) for vegetarian (soy foods, beans, nuts)

§ Teens need 45 – 60 grams per day of protein in order for the body to grow and maintain muscle.

o Calcium

§ 1200 mg of calcium is needed per day from dairy, calcium-fortified juice and cereal, leafy greens like spinach. Etc.

o Iron (red meat, chicken, beans, nuts, enriched whole grains, leafy green veggies)

§ It helps muscle mass gained to obtain energy

§ When we’re lack of iron, it could lead to anemia, fatigue, and weakness

§ Boys: 12 mg each day; Girls: 15 mg each day

§ Girls need to consume more due to iron los during menstruation

- List of menus

o French fries – baked fries, grilled in the oven and salted lightly

o Ice cream – low-fat frozen yogurt; sorbet; fresh fruit smoothies

o Fried chicken – baked or grilled chicken

o Doughnuts or pastries – bagels; muffins; home baked goods with less sugar/fat

o Chocolate-chip cookies – graham crackers, fig bars, vanilla wafers, fruit and caramel dip

o Potato chips – pretzels, unbuttered popcorn, baked potato chips, soy crisps

- When eating outside (in a restaurant)

o Avoid chicken nuggets

o Soft drinks are highly caloric and not nutritious – change it to water or milk instead

o Skip the fries – change it with fruits and vegetables that adds vitamins and fiber to the meal

Gavin, Mary L. "Smart Snacking." KidsHealth - the Web's Most Visited Site about Children's Health. May 2009. Web. 19 Aug. 2010. .

- Snacking on nutritious food can keep your energy level high and your mind alert without taking up a lot of your time

- Smart snacking (fruits or trail mix) can help you to keep going until your next full meal.

- Try not to eat simple carbohydrates like candy or soda. Instead, find complex carbohydrate like whole-grain breads and cereals and combine them with protein-rich snacks such as peanut butter, low-fat yogurt or cheese.

- Picking on healthy snacks:

o Not packages that has “all natural” or “pure” writing does not necessarily mean that the food is nutritious.

o Be skeptical of low-fat food claims

o You can judge whether a food is healthy for you by reading the ingredients and the nutrition information on the food label.

- Girls who studies that increases their calcium intake by one glass of milk or a piece of cheese a day weighed up to 2 pounds less than girls who did not get the extra calcium.

- Smart snacking:

o Prepare healthy snacks in advance: know what you are going to eat/make and prepare it!

o Keep healthy snacks with you: have a habit of having fruit, whole-grain crackers in your backpack

o Make it interesting: have variety of choices

o Satisfy cravings with healthier approaches: for example: if you like chocolate, try hot chocolate drink instead of a chocolate bar. Hot 8-ounce mug of hot chocolate has only 140 calories and 3 grams of fat. While chocolate bare has 230 calories and 13 grams of fat.

o Read serving size information

- Some healthy snacking ideas:

o Healthy ice pops: freeze fresh, unsweetened 100% juice I ice pop molds or ice cube trays

- People who eat regular meals and healthy snacks are less likely to overeat and gain weight than people who skip meals.

Stehl, Meredith Lutz. "Emotional Eating." KidsHealth - the Web's Most Visited Site about Children's Health. Feb. 2010. Web. 19 Aug. 2010. .

- Emotional eating

o Emotional eating is when people use food as a way to deal with feelings instead of to satisfy hunger.

o Sometimes emotional eating is tied to major life events like death, divorce, stress and many more.

o One of the example is when a child is crying, their parent used to give them cookies to calm them down.

o It is not easy to “unlearn” patterns of emotional eating but it is possible!

- Comfort Foods: We all have our own comfort foods. It could be vary depend on moods and gender. Bored people likes salty, crunchy things like chips.

- Physical Hunger: It tends to come on gradually and can be postponed; Can be satisfied with any number of foods; Once full, you’re likely to stop eating; Doesn’t cause feelings of guilt

- Emotional Hunger

- Feels sudden and urgent; Causes very specific cravings; Tend to eat more than normal portion; Can cause guilt afterwards; Way to overcome emotional hunger

o Explore why you’re eating and find a replacement activity: When bored or lonely, call or text a friend/family; When stressed out, try a yoga routine or listen to good music’s; When tired, have enough sleep

o Pause and “take 5” before you reach for food, Don’t rush!

Gavin, Mary L. "How Much Food Should I Eat?" KidsHealth - the Web's Most Visited Site about Children's Health. Feb. 2009. Web. 19 Aug. 2010. .

- Food label does not show the nutrition you need but it tells the amount of nutrition the food contains.

- Sometimes the serving size on a package will be less than what you are used to eating

- The difference between a recommended amount of food and the actual amount people can add up to some serious weight gain: 50 – 100 extra calories per day

- Portion-control

o Be aware of realistic portion sizes using the “divided plate” (1/4 carbohydrate, ¼ protein, ½ vegetable)

o Eat meals on a smaller plate so it looks larger

o Eat three well-rounded meals and one or two healthy snacks at regular time through the day.

o Add more salads and fruits

o Do not rush through the meals, eat slowly and chew well

o Make a habit of letting your stomach tells you when you’re done eating, not your eyes.

Gavin, Mary L. "Vitamins and Minerals." KidsHealth - the Web's Most Visited Site about Children's Health. Oct. 2009. Web. 31 Aug. 2010. .

- Vitamins and minerals are good for our body

- Eating right during teenage time is important because the body needs a variety of vitamins and minerals to grow, develop and stay healthy.

- Vitamins and minerals make our body works properly

- There are two categories of vitamins

o Fat soluble: Vitamin A, D, E, K – it dissolve in fat and can be stored in the body

o Water soluble: Vitamin c and B-complex (B6, B12, niacin, riboflavin, and folate) – it needs to be dissolved in water before the body can absorb it.

- Your body needs a larger amount of some mineral like calcium to grow and stay healthy

- Trace minerals: other minerals like chromium, copper, iodine, iron, selenium, zinc (we only need a small amount of them each day)

- Vitamins and minerals boost the immune system like vitamin K that helps blood to cloth, we can find them in green leafy vegetables. Another example is food that has high mineral calcium like milk, yogurt, and green leafy vegetables.

- To choose healthy foods, check the food labels and pick the one with high vitamins and minerals

- The best way to get vitamins and minerals is to eat a wide variety of healthy foods and skip vitamin pills.

Margolin, Lisa. "Healthy Eating Tips for Teens." Food Allergy, Food Sensitivity, IBS, Skin Rashes, Candida, Headaches, Atkins, South Beach Diets. Web. 31 Aug. 2010. .

- The most important meal is breakfast

- Our body needs a daily supply of protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats to get the fuel it needs for energy and optimum healthy

- Protein is needed for growth, healthy red blood cells, etc. food that contains protein are: eggs, cheese, soy products, fish, beans, nuts, seeds, chicken, turkey, beef, and pork.

- Carbohydrate is the main source of energy and play important role for the nervous system, muscles, and internal organs. Food that contains carbohydrate are: fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans.

- Fats is a form of energy reserve and insulation in the body. It could be burn to make energy when we don’t have enough diet.

o “bad” fats: saturated fats, found in animal products, meats, and dairy foods. Hydrogenated fats or “transfatty acids” is another bad fat that could lead to heart disease and cancer.

o “good” fats: fats include omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Good sources of omega-3 are: flax oil, ground flaxseed, cold water fish – salmon, tuna - , canola oil, walnuts, pumpkin seeds. Other good fats could also be found in olive oil, avocados and grapessed oil.

- Healthy meals

o Breakfast

§ Oatmeal with chopped nuts and raisins, a sliced banana, or strawberries.

§ Orange juice-drink

§ Fresh fruit

o Lunch

§ Egg salad sandwich on whole wheat bread with lettuce and tomato

§ Veggie burger with all of the toppings that you would add to a regular hamburger

§ Tuna salad sandwich on whole grain bread or roll

§ Salad bar with a colorful variety of vegetables and chick peas or red kidney beans

§ Wrap with turkey, chicken, tofu, or cheese and vegetables

§ Vegetarian chili with tortilla chips

§ Tacos with lettuce, tomato, onions, and cheese

§ Black bean soup, lentil soup, vegetable soup

§ Veggie pizza or pizza with any of your favorite toppings

o Dinner

§ Pasta with pesto sauce, tomato sauce, or with vegetables

§ Stir fry vegetables with tofu, shrimp, or chicken

§ Caesar salad with grilled shrimp or chicken

§ Broiled salmon with vegetables

§ Baked potato with vegetable topping or chili topping

§ Ravioli with meatballs and sauce

§ Chicken fajitas with guacamole and salsa

- The meal you eat should contain good source of protein, vegetables and whole grains.

- Not only choosing and eating more healthy food, start to exercise each day for around 10 – 15 minutes.

o Do jump rope before school to get your blood moving.

Gavin, Mary L. "A Guide to Eating for Sports." KidsHealth - the Web's Most Visited Site about Children's Health. Nov. 2008. Web. 20 Aug. 2010. .

- Teen athletes have unique nutrition needs. They need extra calories to fuel body their sports performance and growth.

- The calories needed depends on how active they are: mostly around 2,000 to 5,000 calories each day.

- When they don’t eat enough, their bodies are less likely to perform well and could break the building up of muscles. They won’t be fast and strong as what they should be.

- Most teen athletes get plenty of protein through regular eating.

- Muscle growth comes from regular training and hard work.

- Good source of protein: fish, lean meats, poultry, eggs, dairy, nuts, soy, peanut butter

- Carbohydrate provide athletes with good source of fuel

- Good source of carbohydrate: fruits, vegetable, grains. Choose white rice and bread often because it provides the energy, fiber and other nutrients that teens need.

- Athletes need to concentrate on healthier fats like unsaturated fat in vegetable oils.

- Try not to eat fatty food because it is digested slowly.

- Supplements:

o Anabolic steroids could mess with hormones. It causes the side effect of testicular shrinkage and baldness for boys and facial hair growth for girls. It could also cause mental health problems like depression and mood.

o People take “salt tablets” to avoid dehydration but actually, it lead people to dehydration. Consuming a large amount of them causes nausea, vomiting, cramps, and diarrhea.

- Water is important to be the source of power during games. Athletes should drink before and after exercise and every 15 to 20 minutes during exercise. Sport drink is no better than water unless we are exercising for more than 60 to 90 minutes. Avoid drinking carbonated drinks or juice because it could hurt the stomach when we play.

- Stay away from too much caffeine because it could cause athlete to feel anxious, trouble sleeping.

- Game day

o Eat carbohydrates and protein after intense activity

o Prepare the body by taking sport drink or fruit after exercise

o Eat food with high carbohydrates, moderate protein and low fat.

o Some tips:

§ Eat a meal 2 – 4 hours before the game: choose protein and carbohydrate meal (turkey or chicken sandwich, cereal and milk, chicken noodle soup and yogurt or pasta with tomato sauce.

§ Eat a snack less than 2 hours before the game: have light snack such as low-fiber fruits or vegetables: melons, plums, cherries, carrot, crackers, low-fat yogurt

o Don’t neat for the hour before you compete or have practice because it digestion requires energy.

o Eating too soon before an activity leave food in the stomach and make you feel full, crampy and sick.

"Food Standards Agency - Eat Well, Be Well - Sport and Exercise." Food Standards Agency - Eat Well, Be Well - Eatwell. Web. 23 Aug. 2010. .

- Taking part in sport help to burn off excess calories, maintain body weight and help to reduce the risk of many disease like heart disease.

- What to eat

o Have balance diet that provide all nutrients we need to take part for sport and activity.

o Getting the most out of the sport we do:

§ Be the right weight for your height; Drink plenty of fluids; Eat enough carbohydrate so the exercise will go well; Eat plenty wholegrain bread and cereals, fruit and vegetable and moderate amount of milk, yogurt, cheese, milk, fish, poultry, eggs, nuts and pulses; Eat enough for your level of activity.

o Good source of energy

§ Carbohydrate is the most important fuel of energy; Some examples of carbohydrate: bread, rice, pasta, cereals, and potatoes combined with fruit, vegetables, beans, pulses, yoghurt and milk; It is stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen; The more you exercise, the more carbohydrate you need; It is important to eat food containing carbohydrate after you finish exercising.

o Protein and sport

§ Protein is needed for muscles grow and reparation. It is also a source of energy; Protein supplements does not improve your performance; You should be able to get all the protein you need by eating a variety of foods

o Drinking for sport

§ Have enough drink

§ Keeping up so you will not feel hydrated:

· Don’t wait until you feel thirsty; Drink lots before starting exercise; Keep some drink to hand so you can reach it whenever you need; Drink plenty when you’ve finish exercising

§ The fluid we have should be around 1.2 liters (6 – 8 glasses) that we need each day.

§ If you exercise more than 1.5 hours, try to eat a high-energy snack like banana or dried food.

§ It is not necessary to drink sports drink because you’re active

o Sport and supplements

§ Have balance diet; Supplement could cause weight and might not be stored as muscle but fat instead.

Gavin, Mary L. "Why Exercise Is Wise." KidsHealth - the Web's Most Visited Site about Children's Health. Feb. 2009. Web. 23 Aug. 2010. .

- Getting the right amount of exercise can rev up your energy levels and help improve your mood.

- Experts recommend that teens should get 60 minutes or more of moderate physical activity each day because:

o Exercise benefits every part of the body including the mind, it cause the body to produce endorphins (chemical that help someone feel peaceful and happy).

o It help some people sleep better

o To look better, it burn calories and keep the body at a healthy weight

o Help people lose weight and lower the risk of disease (include blood pressure, diabetes)

o Help a person age well: condition of osteoporosis when they get older. Some activity to keep the bone strong are: jumping, running, brisk walking.

o Well-balanced exercise routine are

§ Aerobic exercise

· It gets the heart pumping and quickens your breathing; Some sport that gives great aerobic workout are: swimming, basketball, soccer, lacrosse, hockey, rowing; Other ways: biking, running, dancing, skating, tennis, cross-country, hiking, walking quickly.

§ Strength training

· Strong muscle helps to protect you when you exercise by supporting your joints and help preventing injuries; It also burns more energy and maintain a health weight.

· Different types of exercise strength:

o Arms: rowing, cross-country, pull-ups and push-ups

o Legs: running, biking, rowing, skating

o Shapely abs: rowing, yoga, crunches

§ Flexibility training

· Letting the muscles and joints stretch bend easily; People who are flexible gets strained muscles and sprains less; It helps improve a person’s sports performance; Stretching after your workout help the improve of flexibility

· Some activity:

o Dance, soccer, lacrosse, karate, ballet, gymnastics, yoga

o Picking the right sport

§ Consider to your workout personality

· Solo sports: biking, snowboarding or Shared motivation: being a team

§ Plan around practical consideration: is it affordable and available for you? Think about the time you set for your sport

§ Talk to someone who understands the exercise: coach, fitness expert so they could program you

§ Health condition

o Too much of a good thing

§ Overdo exercise to lose weight is not healthy; The body needs enough calories to function properly; It is an effort to burn calories and lose weight can be a sign of an eating disorder; Overtrain: maximum of 5 days a week with at lease 2 – 3 months off per year; Participating in more than 1 activity can help athletes use different skills and avoid injury; Never exercise through pain; Staying fit is one of the biggest challenges for people as they get busy with college and careers.

Gavin, Mary L. "Staying at a Healthy Weight." KidsHealth - the Web's Most Visited Site about Children's Health. Feb. 2009. Web. 25 Aug. 2010. .

- Regular exercise

o Teens should get 60 minutes or more of physical activity a day; Have a trainer/coach to lead; Have healthy snack to stop you getting hungry; Try to get up 15 minutes early and do some stretching activity in the morning; Jog/fast walk for 15 minutes at lunch and after school

- Exercise tips

o Go outside for a walk; Take the stairs instead of elevator; Walk or bike to short distance places instead of using cars; Limit the time watching, playing video games, and using computer because you don’t move during that time; Find exercise that interest you; Find activity that gets your heart beating faster, quickens your breathing and makes you sweaty.

Simanjuntak, Alex. Healthy life Jessica Margaretha. 2 September 2010

1. What kind of food and drink is suitable for us to consume when we do sport?

Food: banana, apple

Drink: mineral water, sweet tea (sugar adds up energy), drinks like Pocari-sweat and Gatorade.

2. How to balance food and the kind of sport we do?

By setting the time, you should eat 2 hours before you do sport.

3. How to determine which sport is best for us?

By looking at our talents, we are able to choose the kind of sport that we like