September 5, 2010

Introduction (of the book) and revision of AOI

Following the plan, by the end of this week, I should finish on the introduction of the book. This is just the sketch/rough draft of how it would be:

Facing teen;s life is not easy. We cannot enjoy our life if we have bad health condition. This is one of the factors that inspire me to make a book about healthy life. Some teens eat unhealthy food and drinks, not doing exercise and many unhealthy things. What we need to have is good time management. It is not easy to divide our time since we have school, lessons, or other activities that we do each day. However, if we do not start to manage our time, it would affect our life in the future. Through this book, you will be able to find facts and tips about healthy lifestyle especially on foods, drinks and sports. After reading this book, hopefully you will be more aware to change your lifestyle from an unhealthy lifestyle to a healthy lifestyle. Enjoy reading!

Not only this, I also change my AOI for my introduction. I ask some advice from other supervisors and try to reflect back to my AOI. If I choose Human Ingenuity (HI) for my AOI, it is more to how I present the data so that I change it to Health and Social Education (HSE) so I could focus more on the content of the book.
This is the revised AOI
For this project, I am applying the Areas of Interaction (AOI), which is Health and Social Education (HSE) because I could use the knowledge that I have through the research and show it in the book. By using the Health and Social Education Areas of Interaction, I would achieve my goal by showing the knowledge that I have about healthy lifestyle for teens, and give them information and tips that hopefully be useful for their life. The guiding questions that I will use for this project are "How do I think and act?", "How am I changing?" and "How can I look after myself and others?" From these guidelines, I need to be aware that there will be some key questions that I will need through the project.

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