December 28, 2010

up dates from yesterday..

Yesterday afternoon, I went to a printing center somewhere in Bogor. The name of the place is Oke Print. I save the file of my book in a USB and ask the help of the one who guide the place to print the book. The result of the book turns out good. Not only printing but I also bind it there and make it into a book. I spend in total of Rp.86.500,- for the printing.
For the result, I succeed in allying the feedback that I got form my supervisor which is to have clear fonts.

Next, I need to continue on making the survey questions and present it.

*here is the picture of the book result

*here is the picture of the bill

*here is the picture of the place where I print the book

December 27, 2010

FINISH - soft copy

FINALLY! I finished the book!
Next, I need to go somewhere to print it out..

This is the picture of the book (in soft copy format of printing)

27 December 2010

Well.. what happened is not like what I was hoping. Last week, I don't have the chance to edit my product so that I am trying to catch up with it. Hope I could finish it today or tomorrow so I could print it out and present it..

December 22, 2010


It's been a while since I've continue on working with my work. I am planning to finish editing and finalizing the final product latest by the end of this week and start on present it to teens (range of 13 - 17 years). Hope I could catch up and back on track with my plan..

December 9, 2010

9 December 2010 - Introduction Draft 3

Up to now, I was supposed to edit my works. I am done editing the introduction today..

When I see teens around me, not all of them live a healthy life. Some of them eat unhealthy food and drinks, not doing exercise and many unhealthy things. I know that facing teen’s life is not easy. We need to be smart in managing our time doing many activities but at the same time, we need to manage our health! With having un-managed time, it would affect teen’s lifestyle that ends up with an unhealthy life. I realize that this is important to share to people especially teens.

A. Goal
The lifestyles that I see inspire me to make a book that could make teens aware. The goal of my personal project is to create a book that gives awareness to teens (13 - 17 years old) to live a healthy lifestyle by doing things such as eating healthy food, do sports, and many more. One of the challenges is making the book interesting and persuading for teens since each person has different taste. The result would be in a form of a book that consists of three main sections, which are food and drinks, sports, and fun activities. In order to have proper content, I need to check it out by doing a survey in the end. Another way is to ask an expert on health. By this way, my goal is a SMART goal. First, it is specific, since I have clearly shown the problem that I am going to explore which is how to live a healthy life for teens. It is measureable, because I can make a survey to test whether the target audience is aware and understand the content after they read the book. It is achievable and realistic because I believe I could use my skills of researching and expressing the knowledge of healthy lifestyle through the book. Last, it is well timed because I have make a plan that shows what and when will I do each step until I finish my book through the given range of time without passing the due date. I hope by making this project, I could make an impact on teen’s lifestyle.

For this project, I am applying the Areas of Interaction (AOI), which is Health and Social Education (HSE) because I could use the knowledge that I have through the research and show it in the booklet. By using the Health and Social Education Areas of Interaction, I would achieve my goal by showing the knowledge that I have about healthy lifestyle for teens, and give them information and tips that hopefully be useful for their life. The guiding questions that I will use for this project are “How do I think and act?”, “How am I changing?” and “How can I look after myself and others?” From these guidelines, I need to be aware that there will be some key questions that I will need through the project.

For this project, I am applying the Areas of Interaction (AOI), which is Human Ingenuity (HI) because I could use my creativity to create the content and appearance of the book. By using the Human Ingenuity Areas of Interaction, I would achieve my goal by showing my creativity on expressing my idea about healthy lifestyle for teens, and give them information and tips that hopefully be useful for their life. The guiding questions that I will use for this project are “Why and how do we create?” and “What are the consequences?” From these guidelines, I need to be aware that there will be some key questions that I will need through the project.

C. Plan
This is the activity schedule that I have planed to achieve my goal.

D. Standard of Success
I could know that my goal is successful when 1.) If there is, at least 60% of the survey shows positive input (this happens if the sum of the survey is 50% in average. I could sum it up because I use number range between one – five answers). I am going to survey randomly twenty-five teens in the range from thirteen – seventeen years old or 2.) Ask an expert (ex. Doctor special for heath) to check the content of my book, when 60% of the content is good, it means that I have achieved my goal.

December 7, 2010

3rd December 2010 - Meeting with supervisor

On the 3rd of December 2010, I meet with my supervisor to discuss on the introduction, analysis of information and the final product it self. For the introduction, and analysis of information, there are some changes that I need to put like make it more detail. For the final product, I show the first trial of the book. It is not very neat, I need to set the margins and the use of fonts. I got input from my supervisor to start thinking about the kind of printer use, where will I print it, the kind of paper, and many other things that I need to think about before I finish my final product.
Another thing that I get from the meeting is to start working on the Analysis of Process and Outcome part.

From this meeting, what I need to do is to make the changes to my written work and the final product it self (make the second print-out trial). For the following meeting, I was told to have the criteria rubric so that my supervisor and I could make judgment on my work so far.