August 7, 2010

Here we start!

Today, I follow my plan which is finishing the questionnaires so that I could distribute it next week. Actually, I'm not sure about doing this PP because my supervisor have not send me back the feedback for my introduction and planning it self. No matter what, I just start my plan this week which is making the questionnaires.
These are the questions that I will ask to my target audience (grade 9 - 10):
1. What kind of food do you usually eat?
2. What kind of drinks do you usually drink?
3. What sport/exercise do you do regularly?
4. How do you manage your time to do your work and sports (outside school time)?
5. Do you know what a healthy food is?
6. Do you know the importance of doing sport/exercise?
7. What kind of activity do you like to be put inside the book?
8. What color do you like?
9. What kind of design do you like?
10. How can I make my book interesting?
11. What kind of book is persuasive?
12. Other tips/comments:

*there is choices for each questions.

Well, this is what I have done up to the end of this week.

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