August 13, 2010

Up dates

Today, I meet with my supervisor and ask about my introduction. She give me feedback for my background and goal part. For the background, I need to have a good data/information that could be the reason of my goal. For my goal, I need to specify them and make the reason why my goal is a SMART goal.
Not only from my supervisor, I also ask Ibu Lisa to prof read my introduction. She give me two feedback which are: the background needs to be based on a strong fact/quotation and the second one is that my goal is not measurable.
For my planning, I am on the process with the first survey. I just need to get around 2 or 3 more 9th graders to fill my survey then I could make the survey result.
From today's result, I need to look back to my introduction and keep on track with my planning.

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