May 12, 2010

12th May 2010 (PP exhibition)

From today’s activity, I could learn many things from the presentation and exhibition. During the exhibition, I feel hard time because I could not find anyone that has related topic to what I’ve planed. In the end, I end up interviewing three different people: Bertha, Carissa, and Winnie. The reason for me to interview Carissa and Winnie is to know how to print the book because what I hear from people, this year is the best printing so far. They said first, it’s hard for them to find a place to print because some places only wants to print when they want to print a lot of copies but then, they find a place called snappy. To print there we just need to bring our USB and ask them to print. Some of the points that we have to pay attention is to re-check the fonts, and layout before printing. It does not cost much to print a thick book. It’s within the range Rp.50.000 – Rp.100.000. Another tip that they give is to make sure there’s someone to proof-read the content of the book. I also asked Bertha about the struggles and tips for having a successful personal project. As a conclusion, to have a successful personal project, we should be active, always check back to the criteria’s, update blog, do a lot of research, choose topic that makes u interesting, don’t wait up to the last minute, ask for help and many more. I think these tips helped me a lot in getting inspiration to work as hard as I could to achieve the maximum grade I could achieve. Sometimes we feel that the due date is still long but when we have any spare time, we should try to do the PP because we feel that time runs so fast and we have to make sure we use the available time that we could get. As a conclusion, I think we should manage our time wisely, don’t forget to update the blog, make detailed content, and be active.

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