May 11, 2010


S- Specific
Specify the problem within context( age targeted, community, situation,etc) AOI
Goal 1 = Yes
Goal 2 = Yes

M – Measurable - Detailed methods for testing
can you measure the achievement of your goal? Explain the standard of your success! Find the standard of good product quality.
Goal 1 = Yes
Goal 2 = Yes

A – Achievable / Attainable /( Affordable also used in business)
Can you do it?
Goal 1 = Yes
Goal 2 = Yes

R – Realistic
Do you have enough skills, resources and supports? List and explain it.
Goal 1 = Yes
Goal 2 = Yes

T – Time Frame
Can it be covered by 1 year? Explain the process
Will you need to learn new skill? How long will it take? When will you learn it?
Will your project depending on weather or any unpredicted environment or condition?
Goal 1 = Yes
Goal 2 = Yes

My final choice is my first goal which is to make a cookbook. The reason for that is because i think i enjoy it more and i find it more interesting. I hope with good start, i would not end up being board with my personal project.

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