May 10, 2010

10th May 2010 (Introduction to PP)


Today is the first day where we're introduced for the Personal Project. After listening to the briefing, I think everything would run well when I follow the plan that I've set from the beginning.

To get started for this project, this is one of the things that what we do today...
Fill in Question 1-9 before you meet with your supervisor for the first time.

1. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
Cooking, drawing, sports, reading, biblical stuff…

2. What are some of your hobbies or interests?
Cooking, drawing, sports, biblical stuffs…

3. What are some of the things you do really well? (e.g. act, play piano, or soccer)
Cooking, drawing, basketball, reading…

4. What would you like to be better at?
Cooking, drawing, and basketball…

5. When it comes to writing, what types of written assignments do you most enjoy and why?
i personally like writing especially when there's the guides to the list of things that i should cover. One of the factors could be because of what I'm used to at school especially in DT, english, and many other classes with the writing assignments. So, for me, writing is not something that is really frustrating especially when there's the guidelines.

6. What types of written assignments do you least enjoy and why?
Written assignments that I least enjoy is making fiction because sometimes, it's hard for me to get ideas.

7. Think about your school and wider community. Is there any aspect of your community that really infuriates you? (e.g. perhaps there are not enough trees in your local park?
- People try to find fast and unhealthy food.
- People think they can’t draw but there are some simple ways to draw.
- Some people are confused diving the Bible.

8. At this point in time, what are some of your ideas for your Personal Project? Include what you would like the final result to be and what your goal would be.
- Cooking: make a cook book with the food sample to be surveyed later on. The main goal is to make people realize that they could cook something simple and healthy without taking a lot of time.
- Drawing: make a drawing book with steps and how to color them. The main goal is to make people realize that drawing is not something hard; instead, it’s something to have fun with!
- Biblical: make a book/novel that shows about the New and Old Testament, grace, and other sub-topics. The main goal is to make people realize that divining the Bible in a wrong way is something that are crucial.

9. How will your project ideas relate to the Areas of Interaction: Approaches to Learning, Community Service, Spirituality, Health and Social Education, Human Ingenuity, and Environment?
(Remember, it must relate to at least one area of interaction)
- Cooking book: Human Ingenuity (becasue it's something to do with creating based on our creativity), Health and Social Education (becasue the main goal is to create a healthy food that is easy and simple).
- Drawing book: Approaches to Learning (because it's something that has to do with learning something), Human Ingenuity (because it's something to do with creating based on our creativity).
- Divining the Bible book/novel: Approaches to Learning (because it's something that has to do with learning something), Human Ingenuity (because it's something to do with creating based on our creativity).

10. What are some of the preliminary activities you will need to complete in order to prepare for your personal project?
- What the content will be
- Have a goal that is measurable
- Choose the AOI that sets with the chosen activity
- Make detailed plan for the whole project
- What resources can I have
- Techniques that I need
- What the final product will be

11. How will you research and set about completing the personal project? What are the steps you will take?
- Research
o What is the problem?
o What is the solution towards the problem?
o Other questions (depending on the final topic I choose)
- Building the content
o Reasoning why I choose the resource
o Creating the product
- Testing method (evaluation)
o Does it solve the problem?
o Is the final result successful?

12. Will you involve the community in your project? How?
- Cooking book: Yes it will involve the community by testing the food to make sure they like it or not (How’s the taste of the food? What could be added to the food? How’s the appearance/display? Is it hard? Do you think you will try to make one some day?, etc…).
- Drawing book: Yes it will involve the community by making survey asking: (do they like drawing? What kind of drawings to they usually make? Is drawing hard? Etc..) in the beginning and the end of the project.
- Divining the Bible book/novel: Yes it will involve the community by making survey asking: (How do you read the Bible? What do you feel when you read the Bible? What do you do when you face some confusion when you’re reading the Bible? Etc...)

13. How will you present your personal project (i.e. what format)?
- Cooking book: in a book format so that people could use them when they want to cook and a food display/food testing.
- Drawing book: in a book format so that people could use them to guide when they want to draw something (ex. Person, animals, etc).
- Divining the Bible book/novel: in a book format.

Name: Bertha
Topic: Anti-Smoking Public Service Announcement (PSA)
What can i learn:
- the way the journal should be
- the process to make the final product
- struggles and how to face them
- steps to achieve the final goal

Name: Carissa
Topic: fictional novel
What can i learn:
- how to set the goal and ways to achieve them
- how to reflect from the feedback
- choose of resources
- posting the work

Name: Kristie
Topic: Developing brands
What can i learn:
- setting the goal
- way to make the journal
- enjoying what you like could make an impact

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