January 12, 2011

Analysis of result

Today, I decided to analyze the result of the questionnaires. Looking through the result, it satisfies me enough.
So, here is a picture of the result.

Not only that, I also try to complete the "Testing method" part in the Analysis of Process written document. Here is a rough draft of how it would look:
"Testing Method
Once I finish printing out the book, I distribute a questionnaire to people who viewed it. I showed the book to teens aged 13 – 17 years not only in my school, but also people who I know which fits in to the year category. I choose 5 people form each category of age so that I can have an objective result in the end. As soon as I gain the result, I make it into a form of data for further analysis. So now, the whole stages are accomplished and I can then evaluate my performance in each stage of process. "

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