January 6, 2011

written document..

Moving forward, I decided to continue the analysis of process written document. What I focus on doing today is on the "Building the content" part.

"Building the content
In the process of filling in the content of the book, I started by gathering all the information about healthy life from newspaper, video, interview, book, magazine, and website. After finish researching, I realize that I use website most because it is more useful, open source, and provides wider range of information. A difficulty occurs when I found out too many information that is interesting but then, I just go with the flow and see how many pages I could make out of it. Other than deciding the amount of pages, I found difficulty with deciding which topic goes first. Since the beginning, I decided to split out the book into three parts: food and drinks, sports, and fun activities. Throughout the process, it does not happen as so. I have no time to work at the fun activities part so that the book only have the content of food, drinks and sports. Just looking at the big picture does not help me at all. Therefore, I decide to find interesting and useful topics through my research. A difficulty occur when I try to find guidebook samples that really focus only for teenage life. By that way, I decided to buy books not only focusing on teens but also family. Other than books about healthy life, I also bought one about beauty. I know it does not have any connection to my topic but I want to see how the content is displayed.

For the first part of the book, the information is gathered from newspaper called “Saji”, survey through facebook, book called “Menu Sehat Sesuai Golongan Darah”, magazine called “Sastika fit”, and several websites. The reason behind using facebook as a source to distribute the survey is because more people can answer them. For the second part, the information is gathered from interview with a coach and several websites. I choose a coach as my resource because coaches know and experience more about sports, they do sport for themselves and they know what is good and bad for them. Specifically for the topic about sleeping, I use a video called “Dr. Breus on Teens and Sleep Deprivation” from You Tube as a source for me.

After all, the information that I have collected is organized in a form of research note. I make summary of them all and select different information is suitable to be included in the book."

So, yeah.. that's for now (note that this is still a rough draft)

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