January 7, 2011

More on written documents..

Today, I continue on the analysis of process written document focusing on the "Creating the book" part.

"Creating the book
The steps I manage in this part are; deciding the words and information, finding pictures/templates as the background for the pages, editing into a format of a picture with photoscape, and printing it. I believe it is important to start by deciding the kind of information and words that I want to include in the book so that I could arrange and divide them in an organize way. The topics that I choose for the food and drinks part include; “Food balance”, “Healthy eating”, “Junk food”, “Types of hunger”, “Developing healthy eating habits”, “Nutrition for teens”, “Vitamins and minerals”, “What to eat?”, “Snacking”, “List of menus”, “Simple ways to prepare food and drinks”, and “Diet”. The topics that I choose for the sports part includes; “Sports”, “Nutrition for athletes”, “Diet for athletes”, “Drinking for athletes”, “Supplement for athletes”, “Game day”, “Types of exercises”, and “Picking the right sport”. Other than those two sub topics, I also include “sleeping” as the bridge of the two topics. I also believe that having pictures and templates will help me when I am designing each page so that it is interesting to read."

So, here's just a draft of how it would look later on..

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