January 12, 2011

More work..

Other than that, I also started on the Analysis of Outcomes..
Here is the result

"Analysis of Outcomes
In order to achieve my goal, I made a survey as I mentioned before. This questionnaire could measure how successful I am in the HSE AOI, HE AOI, and my goal.

The way I do the survey is by showing the book to the teen aged 13 – 17 years and after they finish looking through the book, they fill in the questionnaire that I distribute. I found out that this method is very efficient to achieve.

Below are the overview results:

I believe that my product can be consider as ‘good’ because it is now proven that the goal I have set in the very beginning has been successfully achieved. From one of the question; “Do you think the book impact or increase the awareness to live a healthy life for you?” 56% of the result gives a “good” score and “32% of the result gives a “very good” score. If I try to conclude the result of this question, 88% of the result shows positive input therefore, I could tell that they are more aware that they should live a healthy lifestyle by doing things such as eating healthy food, do sports, and more.

I also realize that there is some points that I need to improve on. From the survey given, there are some feedbacks given after my target audience look through the book. I believe that I need to be more aware of choosing the font, templates, and colors because there are some comments that is given from my target audience. For the rest of the criteria, I think I have applied them well enough therefore no comments were written about it."

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